Digital Business Era: Strategic Technology Trends for 2016 / Part I

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is moving at a breakneck pace, constantly evolving and developing.  We, guys, can see it easily by comparing our lives today with even a couple years ago. So do the businesses. Social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and increasingly the Internet of Things have become driving forces behind the rapid evolution of digital businesses. In this blog I will focus on the technology trends which are waiting for us in next year. We will be able to see the shift from today to tomorrow. I was inspired by Gartner forecasts, the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. Let’s have a look in a nutshell :


  • Trend 1 – The Device Mesh
    Under the device mesh ( aka network device) are meant multiple device terminals that allow people to access information and applications or interact with each other, within commercial and government organizations. These devices include smartphones, portable electronic gadgets, consumer and household electronic devices, vehicles and all kinds of sensors.
  • Trend 2 – Advanced Machine Learning
    Deep neural computer networks will go beyond the classical computer systems and will be used to build systems that can learn and perceive the world independently and autonomously. The growth and complexity of data sources, data classification will make manual analysis uneconomical and unrealistic. Through neutron networks these tasks can be automated.
  • Trend 3 – Autonomous Agents and Things
    Machine learning will lead to a rise in the popularity of intelligent machines – robots, autonomous vehicles, virtual personal assistants and smart advisers who will work independently or semi-autonomous. Predecessors of these machines today can be considered as such as Google Now, Microsoft Cortana and Apple Siri. Their development will play a leading role in the industry, although the development of physical machines – electro-mechanical robots and others…also will continue.”Over the next five years we will evolve to a post-app world with intelligent agents delivering dynamic and contextual actions and interfaces,” said Mr. Cearley. “IT leaders should explore how they can use autonomous things and agents to augment human activity and free people for work that only people can do. However, they must recognize that smart agents and things are a long-term phenomenon that will continually evolve and expand their uses for the next 20 years.”
  • Trend 4 -Internet of Things Architecture and Platforms
    It’s not the first year when researchers indicate the Internet of Things, as one of the most important trends. However, they are now more clearly formulated, what exactly will happen. It is expected that 2016 will be the year of development of platforms for new technology. However, due to lack of organisation vendor standardisation of such platforms will flow quite difficult until 2018.
  • Trend 5 – Adaptive Security Architecture
    Network devices and intelligent machines will require significant computing resources, resulting in a proliferation of high-neuromorphic architectures based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) and graphics accelerators. The new architecture will help achieve the computing speed, measured in teraflops.

In my next post I will give you the list of next 5 upcoming trends for 2016.

Stay tuned! Thank you
Inspirations & Sources: 


One thought on “Digital Business Era: Strategic Technology Trends for 2016 / Part I

  1. At the root of most of these trends I see generally big data is the enabling factor here. Machines are able to learn more and more only because of the increasing amount of data that can be stored as well as analyzed. Same goes for the internet of things, self driving cars and so on. This marks the overall importance of data in general, as enabler for all trends and technologies to come

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