Meat Processing Plant “Dymkov” declared wanted a pack of sausages

Reading Time: 2 minutes

On December 8 in social networks have become huge hit based on two photos of “Dymkov“. In a pack, visually designed for 10 sausages lying only eight, and two were attached to the side. In the company explained the alleged marketing gimmick standard packaging.

The pictures were published on Twitter and drew attention to the non-standard action. According to the packaging, the producer of meat products offered two sausages for free in addition to eight.



Photo of package of “Dymkov” widely dispersed on the internet and people wondered why the manufacturer did not just put ten sausages in one pack, and suggested that the two sausages just shifted to another compartment.

December 9 representatives of the company commented on the action in their own Facebook, reacted to post the user A.Alex post on social network with sensational meme with Travolta.




According to employees of “Dymkov”, originally in 454-gram packs and sold eight sausages, although the standard package can accommodate up to ten.

There are many unresolved questions of mankind: it was first the chicken or the egg, who built the Egyptian pyramids, and so on. Today Anastasia Alex added another question to the world treasury of mysteries: what happened to two more sausages?

Fortunately though here we can help! The secret is that the two sausages, almost the international wanted list, had never been in any pack weighing 464 grams. The standard package we put eight sausages to the promo and added two more pieces in a gift. To the doubters we declare superkonkurs! Let us give a year’s supply of sausages to the person who finds the whole pack “Dairy Standard 464g” with ten sausages without action!

The company assured users that shares involved and packaging with ten dogs, but more weight: “The smallest, at 464 grams, just become a victim of your powers of observation.”

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2 thoughts on “Meat Processing Plant “Dymkov” declared wanted a pack of sausages

  1. arkovtun says:

    I believe it’s another example of social media promotion. Attracting attention without much efforts 🙂

  2. Hanna Hotsyk says:

    I think they just need to change their marketing team. It’s obvious that they have simply failed in an attempt to make a ‘special offer’ for their customers.

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