What comes to yours mind when you think about IKEA? A worldwide network of shops with scandinavian furniture, which are almost in every house, probably. Was it autonomic self-driving car? Probably not. Ikea is constantly growing, now even more than earlier, the company changes its purpose and from only furniture seller broadens its horizons on the other industries, changing itself into innovative and technologically advanced company.
Fully autonomous vehicles are becoming more and more advanced and are near to becoming common on daily basis. Once cars will be driving itself people will have great amount of time to use. With the solution to this comes the newest project of IKEA developed in their Space10 lab, it is called „Space on Wheels”. It changes the perspective of thinking about a car as only mean of transport.
They provide different variants of using vehicle as an office, medical or coffee point. The research lab came up with various shapes and interior design for this autonomous cars. Till know it consists of 7 different solutions. Interior design is without major changes, it is typically minimalistic as the concept of IKEA .
IKEA car office would allow you to work during your journey. Not only it would save time but what is more it would increased efficiency of working during the day. For many people it could simplify their lives as many of them is working far away from home and spends approximately 60 minutes in traffics.
Medical Center car could simplify doing periodic reviews. Moreover, it would increase effectiveness of transporting professionals to people in need, which would allow to save more lives without concerning extra help, as the car drives itself.
However IKEA does not plan to construct the car itself, it mainly focuses only on design inside of it. The concept of interior will be constantly developed as with every minute we are a step closer to fully autonomous vehicles. Whether this cars will be our reality someday or not, for now we can only imagine the comfortability it would gave us.
I appreciate Ikea’s idea of “moving” house to a vehicle. Nowadays we are losing many hours in cars, which are not cosy enough to even think about working during our journey. Moreover, this vehicle is going to be autonomic so even driver will have the ability to rest or care about their kids in a fully furnished room outside the car. I guess we all will live in Ikea vehicles in the next 20 years. The Medical center car has economic potential, for example, this ambulance can be organized in imitation of the mini operating room(used when help is needed immediately).
Okay, frankly I think this is… an amazing idea! Like imagine this old ice cream trucks but without the driver! Or just autonomous coffe truck, which offers good quality coffe at a price that IKEA is know for. I’d be into it. Self-driving office? I’d find some uses for it and the same goes for the medical centre. In my opinion, everything what makes it closer for us to achieve self-driving/autonomous cars is a good idea.