Correctly diagnosing diseases takes years of medical training. Even then, diagnostics is often time and money consuming process. This puts doctors under strain and often delays life-saving patient diagnostics. In this worldwide health crisis, the medical industry is looking for new technologies to monitor and controls the spread of COVID-19. And on of technologies that can solve that issues finding the proper treatment, is Artificial Intelligence. For instance, tracking the spreading of disease, choosing the proper treatment .
Benefits of AI:
- Early detection and diagnosis of the infection. AI can quickly analyze irregular symptom and other ‘red flags’ and thus alarm the patients and the healthcare authorities
- Monitoring the treatment. AI can build an intelligent platform for automatic monitoring and prediction of the spread of this virus.
- Projection of cases and mortality. This technology can track and forecast the nature of the virus from the available data. Further, it can predict the number of positive cases and death in any region.
- Development of drugs and vaccines. Many of the analytical processes involved in drug development can be made more efficient with Machine Learning. This has the potential to shave off years of work and hundreds of millions in investments. What leads to faster and more efficient production of drugs.
- Reducing the workload of healthcare workers. It helps in early diagnosis and providing treatment at an early stage using digital approaches and decision science, offers the best training to students and doctors regarding this new disease. Furthermore, when AI lowers monotone workload of medical workers, they can provide more efficient treatment, based on individual approach.
AI machine learning models and algorithms can identify potential drug leads currently unknown in medical science and far faster than humans. While such systems will never replace scientists and clinicians, they can save both time and money.
The ability of machines to solve complex biological puzzles more rapidly than human experts has prompted increased investment in AI drug discovery by a growing number of large pharmaceutical companies.
To sum it all up, AI can significantly improve treatment consistency and decision making by developing useful algorithms.
Well, it’s an extremely valuable blog nowadays. But sometimes I’m in two minds about pandemic. On the one hand COVID-19 has led to thousands of deaths. On the other it’s kinda basement for innovations and development. First, we got used to online learning, then we will get used to AI treatment.