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It is hard to find a person who has never used or at least heard of Instagram. This social media is growing like wheat and does not give competitors any chance. Instagram is known as a platform where people can upload pictures or videos to share them with the subscribers. Well, to be precise, it used to be like that. Now, Instagram is becoming a social monster that has every feature you can think of. Imagine yourself scrolling your Insta feed and there is an amazing pair of jeans. You dream of getting them. Guess what, now you can do it in one click!
Instagram marketologists never forget to follow all the trends and see what users actually want. This platform is an outstanding example of market research and customer-orientation. This way instagram is confidently becoming a huge market place.
Even though Instagram does not call itself “a market place”, a lot of users are happily developing their business there. Initially, its users simply shared their photos, but with the growth of the Instagram audience, entrepreneurs began to actively use it to present and promote their products. According to statistics, 48% of small businesses have Instagram accounts, and this number is constantly growing.
Instagram is primarily a visual presentation using photos, so it is best to sell products that can be “presented by the face”: clothing, gadgets, handmade products, children’s products, products for healthy lifestyle and weight loss, cosmetics and the like. However, many people successfully use this network to promote an intangible product – services, consultations, training, marathons and other things. The key disadvantage of Instagram is the inability to accept payments using built-in tools (due to the lack of such tools). But knowing the rapid tendency of developing, no doubts, these tools are going to enter the market soon.
Two years ago, shopping tags appeared on Instagram. One click on the image allowed users to find out the cost of the product, information about it and instantly go to the site to buy it.
Shopping Tags are special price tags that are displayed on the photo when the user touches the image. On the preview of posts, you will immediately see an image of a white basket – this is how all publications with similar labels are marked.
The new functionality of Instagram opens up previously inaccessible business opportunities: now, in order to buy a favorite thing from a picture, just click on its photo. The click will redirect you to the product description page, and then to the online store to make a purchase.
Tags are available not only in the usual posts, but also in stories. In addition to the key selling function, they can help you get to know your customer even better and get statistics on traffic to your online store.

Recently facebook made a deal with Shopify and also facebook planing for years with Lebra “facebook payment method”, not forget that WhatsAPP coming to the game lately – if you combine all together will make much better place to sell and buy, better than Amazon.
Instagram certainly became a big market place. Lots of people just using it to post pics with their sponsors and reflink. I think it proves, that social media is getting more and more important in business world every day.