What kind of people were connecting to the web in 2020?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Research conducted by CBOS on 20 January 2020 shows that 68% of adult Poles use the Internet, last year only 1% more used the Internet.

This graph shows how many adults used the web by year.

More interestingly, however, it turns out that many factors such as education, wealth and many others influence whether an adult uses the internet or not.

Does age matter?

Age plays a key role. As we know, the generations that were born in the age of the internet cannot imagine life without it. the exceptions are a few social groups such as the Amish. However, there are fewer internet users among older people who did not come across the internet when they were young or who came across it later.

Here is a graph showing the relationship between procentage of people using the internet and their age.

What does education have to do with internet use?

Actually, it is more about the fact that older people usually only had the opportunity to complete primary school, which also translates into statistics in surveys. As can be seen in the graph below, the least people using the Internet are those with primary education, i.e. mostly older people who are not used to using the benefits of the Internet.

Please bear in mind that the number of respondents with lower secondary education was low, as lower secondary education schools has not been in Poland for as long as other schools.

How does the position we work at affect our use of the internet?

It turns out that our work has an impact on whether we use the Internet or not, and some jobs even require access to the Internet and staying up to date via it. As is well known, a farmer does not need access to the web as much as the position of business owner or professionals with higher education requires, who must constantly improve their methods of work in order not to fall from their position. Below is a graph showing the percentage of each occupational group using the internet.

Does the Material Situation Affect Internet Use?

It is obvious that someone who cannot afford to pay for the Internet, pay for the telephone subscription or top up the pre-paid account on the telephone has no way of using the Internet. However, there is an initiative by the O2 network, which is a completely free network, but you still need to have internet access to order a sim card from this network. Rich people, on the other hand, have money for the internet and I bet those extremely rich people who don’t use the internet have subscriptions anyway.

The graph below shows Percentages of internet use among those describing their financial situation as:



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