Amazon employees reveal that to get a raise it’s easier to quit from the company and get rehired rather than wait for the promotion.
The raises often increase lower than inflation causing the employees to be confused about what to do. Amazon always had a policy of getting the crew who are truly passionate in the mission of the company rather than just interested in money. However, seeing new people join the company in similar positions with less experience and earning more money makes many people dissatisfied with their job.
This situation raises the question of the value of employee loyalty. The workers essentially do come back if they are still considered valuable to the company, which helps with keeping only the people who either really feel the mission of the company and can adequately contribute. Still, this strategy seems a little unethical – there is always a risk of not being rehired and the process itself is an unnecessary inconvenience for employees who just want to get paid suitably to their labour.
As of the time of writing, Amazon has not expressed their opinion about the situation.
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It is not about Amazon, it is about employees. For example, Person sign up a contract for 1 year or more and in half a year his company decide that from this moment employees will year a 5% more, but old emppeyess have a contract. In that case it is problem of employee not a company
Amazon was never the most worker-friendly place. I am not shocked in the slightest about this injustice. I am honestly surprised they didn’t outright say that it’s 100% fine, yet.