TipTip – cashless tips at hand

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Sources: https://tiptip.com.pl/

Most of us indeed were in a situation when we were delighted with a level of service in a restaurant, bar, etc. Then wanted to reciprocate for such a pleasurable treatment. We got the bill, and suddenly we realized that we had no cash on us. At this point, many of us probably resigned to leave a tip being simultaneously a lit bit confused. We wanted to reward somebody for being kind to us, but on the other hand, we didn’t have the opportunity to do that conveniently. You can admit that it isn’t a pleasing feeling.

And now…. you do not have to feel like that anymore. At this moment, a new app called TipTip goes on the stage! The main aim of this application is to make giving a tip as straightforward as possible. So let’s go through the usage of it. In the beginning, anyone, who wants to be given a financial bonus for their service, has to download the app from AppStore or Google Play. Next, they have to set up their account by submitting necessary data and agreeing on the bylaw of TipTp. And that’s it. In the next few days, they should receive their business card with a unique QR code. Ever since, whenever they serve a customer, they can share this business card with the client and hope that their service has deserved a reward.

On the part of a client, there is even less fuss. You simply have to scan the QR code on the business card or use an NFC reader on your phone. Then you can choose an amount that you want to tip, and the whole process is finished. You don’t have to have the app even to take advantage of its boon.

Besides the ease of its use, the app has several other benefits. It has a very intuitive and helpful interface that displays how much money you receive on a particular day. The transactions are secured because they are processed by a well-known company called tPay. And finally, the time of waiting for your money is equaled only to one day! That’s great.

According to the information delivered by the company, whose name is TipTip, too, the app currently has 336 satisfied users that so far carried out 9027. The average amount of tip that is left equals 14,66 zł. I would have supposed that the amount was about 5 zł, so it surprised me how generous we can be. The enterprise is currently available only in Poland when recently granted the status of the small payment institution.

The app hit the right note at the time of the pandemic and the process of gradually giving up on cash. It bodes a promising future and great chances for further development. But the times are very unpredictable, so we cannot be sure what will be the fate of TipTip.





5 thoughts on “TipTip – cashless tips at hand

  1. 46403 says:

    That’s a great application. Nowadays more and more people go out without cash or even without wallets. Giving cashless tips thru application is a perfect idea when you have only your phone with you in the restaurant.

  2. 46339 says:

    Really interesting application. Thanks for information

  3. 46339 says:

    Really interesting app, but big amoung of restaurants or include tips in overall bill or give opportunity to give them from card

  4. 46412 says:

    Seems like a very interesting solution!

  5. 46289 says:

    I think that the app won’t gain popularity beacuse of how simple it is to cash now. The waiter cand just add 10% tip on the terminal with few simple steps so i don’t think that app will be used by many users

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