Accessed: 06-02-2022.
In the time Of Covid-19 (to be honest: always, but in this difficult times especially) people spreading misinformation are quite dengerous. Specially when these people responsible for creating / sharing fake news are celebrities and therefore they are enjoying the respect of other members of specific social group. Celebrities & misinformation = it’s kind of never ending story… This topic may be discussed over and over again. But when important matters such as public health of many people is at stake, we should be really worried about this harmful practices (fake news).
No matter whether the person (star or normal guy) spreading misinformation among others is doing it on purpose or not, a result is clear. Some misleading information is in the air. Then this message reaches the audience. And audience in most cases (unfortunately) believes undoubtfully what has read.
Sometimes fake news may hurt us and other people badly, specially when we take (or in the reference to pandemic: if we choose not to vaccinate) actions based on false Informations. Let’s say it loudly: Sometimes fake news may make people die (Covid-19 case), Sorry, this is reality.
Taking above mentioned into consideration, I do believe that Spotify has done good thing (the only right in this context): “Some 70 episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast were removed from Spotify as musicians protest the streaming service for allowing the controversial podcaster to amplify falsehoods about the coronavirus and object to his use of a racial slur.” (Source: “Washington Post” – the links has been provided below).
Generally speaking, we as society have to get rid of fake news (so much as we can). If there is misleading source, we have to limit the range of spreading the news. Here: removing the podcasts. Or better make (other word: convince) the platform (here: Spotify) remove them on our behalf.I am rooting for freedom of speech, but in this case public health (lives of others) is important. This is my personal opinion…
The content sources:
https://www.businessinsider.com/spotify-deletes-70-joe-rogan-podcast-episodes-including-alex-jones-2022-2?IR=T. Accessed: 05-02-2022.
https://www.businessinsider.com/spotify-ceo-daniel-ek-joe-rogan-censor-moral-police-controversy-2022-2&inline-endstory-related-recommendations?IR=T. Accessed: 05-02-2022.
https://wapo.st/3B02l5g. The Washington Post Article mentioned above. Accessed: 06-02-2022.
The image source:
https://pixabay.com/pl/photos/business-technology-miasto-line-5475661/. Accessed: 05-02-2022.