One of the most powerful supercomputers in the world will be installed in Krakow by the end of next year. The Academic Computer Center CYFRONET AGH has been selected by the European Joint Undertaking in the field of Large Scale Computing (EuroHPC JU) as one of 5 places in Europe where computers forming a pan-European data processing network will be installed, according to
“Poland is one of the 5 EU countries selected for the installation of a new generation supercomputing system – the machine will be delivered to ACK Cyfronet AGH”
The most powerful computer in the network will be JUPITER. It is the first exascale system in Europe – that is, it performs over 1018 floating point operations per second. It will be installed at the Jülich Supercomputing Center in Germany. The other four machines are DAEDALUS, which will be delivered to Greece, LEVENTE (Hungary), CASPIr (Ireland) and EHPCPL in Krakow.
Currently, Cyfronet has the most powerful supercomputer in Poland, Athena. The machine with the power of 5.05 PFlop is on the 105th position on the list of 500 most efficient supercomputers in the world and is one of the 5 Polish supercomputers listed there. It is known that the EHPCPL will be several times more efficient than Athena.
The goal of EuroHPC JU is to create one of the most powerful supercomputing infrastructures in the world in Europe. There are already LUMI (151.9 PFlop / s) machines in operation in Finland, MeluXina (10.52 PFlop / s) in Luxembourg, Karolina (6.75 PFlop / s) in the Czech Republic, Discoverer (4.52 PFlop / s) ) in Bulgaria and Vega (3.82 PFlop / s) in Slovenia. Also under construction are LEONARDO (Italy), Deucalion (Portugal) and MareNostrum 5 (Spain). The Finnish LUMI is the 3rd most powerful supercomputer in the world and the 3rd most energy efficient computer in the world. Poland Athena ranks high, 9th on the list of the most energy-efficient computers in the world.
“The selection of Poland as the place of installation of one of the EuroHPC JU systems is an important distinction, confirming the national competence in the field of maintenance and operational use of supercomputers at the world level.”
Glad that polish universitites are doing something meaningful!