The new era in communication beetwen pilots and ATC controllers

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since the beginning of aviation communication between pilots and ATC controllers takes place by an use of radio waves. Currently there are only 2280 frequencies of communication. However due to the constant increase in air traffic it’s not enough, they have become congested and cumbersome in communication.

But what has really changed?

Nowadays despite traditional way of voice communication pilots and controllers have an option of using system called CPDLC what stands for Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications. It is a two-way data-link system by which controllers can transmit non urgent but strategic messages such as: level change, speed assignments, vectoring and many other various requests of information. It is also dedicated for ground services to communicate about technical things. For instance pilot can ask ground control on the destination airport for an additional services during a stop on an airport tarmac. The Main purpose of that system is to reduce the workload of controllers by letting them execute frequent commands without occupying a frequency. In initial experiments it is believed that about 84% of voice communication has been reduced.

But how it actually works?

It involves the use of pre-formatted messages which allows both pilots and controllers to send messages. The use pre-formatted options increase the efficiency and also reduces the chance for an error. In addition to that there is also a free text option so that any other information’s or requests can be made.

Putting it simply, if the pilot wants to change altitude to a higher flight level he would need to ask it for on a radio earlier. Currently he just has to press a few buttons and then wait for a controller to allow or refuse him to do so.

The advantages of CPDLC

Each system is made for some purpose. The main idea of CPDLC is to help controllers manage the air traffic so that they workload will be reduced. The advantages that CPDLC provides are:

  • Increased ATC efficiency by reducing the workload
  • A reduction in possible misunderstandings due to language barriers
  • The possibility of a few communications at the same time thereby increasing speed of it
  • Sending the same command to multiple planes at the same time

Concerns about safety

Of course there are also some concerns about using this system such as giving for example two commands for one plane at the same time in separate messages which might cause that one of them won’t be seen by pilots. Also the use of CPDLC reduces pilot’s awareness, because they cannot follow other aircraft communication. Last but not least there is always an option to send wrong message to an aircraft or transmit it to the wrong one. However all of that problems are not really an issue if properly addressed.

If you want to learn something more feel free to ask any questions connected with aviation. I also recommend you watching this short video to get the better understanding about this system.


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2 thoughts on “The new era in communication beetwen pilots and ATC controllers

  1. 47587 says:

    I think it’s an interesting technology, it makes in-flight communication more efficient. I will watch it closely as it develops, especially in the field of automatization in aviation.

  2. Jakub Orłowski says:

    I think it’s a great way for making pilot ATC communication more efficient, especially for the most crowded frequencies like JFK or Amsterdam Schipol where it’ hard to squeeze between transmissions. Moreover this technology might prevent misunderstandings in communication if the dispatch is incomprehensible or accent of the pilot or controller is hard to understand.

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