Telegram launched the platform for buying and selling @usernames for channels and personal accounts.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the last update Telegram presented the function of buying and selling @usernames through the FRAGMENT platform ( (Picture 1)

Picture 1. LOGO

Fragment is a free platform which facilitates the transaction of collectibles between users. It supports direct, secure and anonymous sales as well as public auctions where everyone can participate over a period of time. To provide this service transparently, Fragment takes full advantage of TON, a blockchain technology initially developed by Telegram. TON is a fully decentralized layer-1 blockchain designed by Telegram to onboard billions of users. This is the first such case among all popular social networks. Before this, there was no way to safely sell your username, and most often such transactions were made through third parties. But Telegram now provides the ability to securely sell usernames through the official marketplace by converting them into NFTs.
When the website was launched, only usernames from A to H belonging to Telegram itself were available for bidding and purchase, but now the users themselves have the opportunity to put up their usernames for sale.
At the moment, the most expensive username @news was sold for 994.000 TON (~$1.700.000). The average daily amount of transactions on the site now exceeds 1.000.000 TON (~$1.720.000) per day. (Picture 2)

Picture 2. sales history.

However, at the moment we can see that it is just beginning to develop. Even though nicknames appeared gradually (at alphabetical intervals), which should have stirred up public interest, due to insufficient marketing (an ordinary user could only find out about this from an automatic Telegram message after the update, which many people do not pay attention to), many ordinary users and companies are not aware of this feature. Therefore, we see that now many valuable usernames are being sold at a very cheap price. For example @honda (3.150 TON) @clubhouse (3.302 TON) @kaspersky (3.360 TON) and so on. This suggests that for now, many large companies are in no hurry to buy usernames with the names of their brands, and later when the website becomes more popular, they will have to buy them at an inflated price, since at the moment most usernames are bought by resellers who rely on future sell out more expensive. For example, TON Wallet Ef-exuKIGuFDFVB0ldQzCJxVV6U-YT4B3nrg1VE8Mj1yOEp0 has already bought more than 50 expensive usernames, including the three most expensive ones. (Picture 2)

Picture 3. The most expensive usernames sold on

Telegram partially solves this problem with the help of a verification system that gives a special checkbox to official channels and groups, however, in one of the latest updates, it became possible for premium users to put custom stickers in the status next to the name, among which there is also a Telegram verification checkbox. (Picture 3)

Picture 4. Premium emoji status examples.

To conclude, Telegram users now can securely sell and buy usernames. However, at the moment we see that it is more like a beta version because many nuances need to be finalized.


3 thoughts on “Telegram launched the platform for buying and selling @usernames for channels and personal accounts.

  1. 47530 says:

    I find this feature interesting. It seems like the next NFTs boom. What is left for us now is just to wait and see how it develops. It is indeed an exciting opportunity for adroit investors.

  2. […] my previous blog I have already told you about the FRAGMENT platform ( I recommend you to read it, […]

  3. […] I wrote about platform FRAGMENT.COM that launched option of buying and selling TELEGRAM @usernames (blog from 2022/11/29) and anonymous phone numbers (blog from 2022/12/17). I recommend you to read them, because in this […]

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