Does the development of AI really lead to job takeover?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Artificial Intelligence’s development brought numerous innovative changes to our world and still elevates the development of technology to the next level. Even though, disregarding the opportunities, evolution and new visions, that originated as a result of AI’s introduction, a considerable part of our society is enormously scared of one drawback that AI could produce – a massive takeover of jobs, which could be performed by technology instead of humans. However, being misled by the huge inflow of Hollywood movies and personal preconceptions, people do not consider that although AI will eliminate most jobs performed by humans, it will also create new professions which will be more important for our well-being. Let’s take the emergence of the internet: it was an extremely innovative invention that solely beneficially affected our population by giving birth to numerous jobs and significantly changing the existing perceptions of how people should work. The same thing is with Artificial Intelligence, its development won’t take jobs away, on the contrary, it will generate new positions and what is more – influence the existing ones. It will significantly digitalize, automate and alleviate the working processes. So, the major task of our society is to go with technology’s evolution hand in hand. 

People hypothesize that the majority of occupations will become “extinct” since they will be substituted with automation provided by AI. Of course, it is inevitable that AI and robots will exterminate some of the jobs such as cashiers, bookkeepers, couriers, accountants, etc., however, the level of unemployed people won’t increase if the population manages this transition properly. We should not concentrate on the preservation of jobs that AI is likely to take over, but to prepare our workforce for the shift to the new types of work that will be brought about by technological development. The main goal is to transmit the values of such a radical transformation to humanity. First of all, people should be aware of the economic opportunities, that would be growing in correlation with automation’s improvement. To go into more detail, automation could considerably enhance the production processes in manufacturing factories making it more rapid, cost-effective, and higher yield. The development of manufacturing and other spheres sufficiently contributes to GDP growth thus stimulating the economic prosperity of a country. In order to reach such results, more workers should be motivated to gain technical skills. Secondly, the adoption of people to the technologically-innovated world will lead to the availability of more career opportunities for them. For instance, a study, provided by a World Economic Forum predicts: “By 2025, digital technologies will create at least 12 million more jobs than they eliminate, as people with the right skills will be needed to program, maintain and repair them”. If our society is prepared for technological changes, the implementation of robotics and AI within a company will not lead to mass dismissals but will result in the transfer of employees to more crucial positions. Undoubtedly, the positions connected with technological skills and knowledge require a lot of work, devotion and consistency. But isn’t it exactly that approach to the work, which humanity should seek? 

To conclude, I am convinced that people waste a lot of time on something that could be accomplished by AI, instead of investing their efforts and dedication into the more vital activity that is likely to initiate further development of our world. They should switch from repetitive tasks, which don’t require a lot of creativity and enthusiasm, to more beneficial, rewarding and meaningful ones. Consequently, the way people perceive the essence of work will be completely changed since they will realize that technology could be in charge of automation while society should be responsible for innovation. If businesses and governments unite their efforts and make all their best to invest in the training of technologically-skilled workers,  the shift to innovative and technologically-advanced working processes will be put forward thus giving birth to a new, digital environment in which there will be a developed strategy of humans’ and machines’ collaboration, not competition. 


2 thoughts on “Does the development of AI really lead to job takeover?

  1. 47539 says:

    I believe that AI has the ability to increase production and efficiency while also opening up new career possibilities. People should actively pursue the information and skills necessary to be successful in the new professions that technology and AI have generated. Overall, AI has the potential to lead to good change, thus it is crucial for society to accept this technology and work toward a future in which people and machines can coexist peacefully and successfully.

  2. Dmytro Tomilin says:

    In some cases, the development of AI may lead to the creation of new job roles that did not previously exist, such as data scientists or AI engineers. In other cases, adopting AI may optimize specific job tasks rather than replace human workers.

    Understanding the impact of AI on employment will vary across different industries and sectors is crucial. Some industries may be more likely to adopt AI technologies and automate specific tasks, while others may be less affected. It is also possible that adopting AI may lead to a shift in the types of skills and expertise in demand in the job market.

    Overall, the development of AI is likely to have both positive and negative impacts on employment, and it will be necessary for individuals and societies to adapt and prepare for these changes.

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