- Automated Vehicles (AVs):
- The passage acknowledges the hype around AVs, describing a future where private ownership of vehicles diminishes, and people use autonomous private pods for transportation.
- It raises concerns about the feasibility of this scenario, citing affordability issues and the necessary infrastructure for efficient and safe AV services.
- The potential for increased congestion due to a surge in individual AV trips is highlighted.
- The passage argues that mass transit will likely remain an essential component of urban transportation, even in the presence of AVs.
- Evolution of Public Transport with AI:
- The passage suggests that, instead of a revolution, AI can contribute to the evolution of public transport.
- It compares the evolution of transport technologies, from paper tickets to smart cards, and now, the integration of AI.
- AI is presented as the latest tool in a chain of improvements, and it emphasizes that AI is still in its early stages in terms of capability and application.
- Role of Data in AI:
- The importance of data as the fuel for AI is highlighted. The existing ticketing, journey planning, and fleet management software generate substantial amounts of useful data.
- The passage mentions that public transport data is already available in a usable format, allowing for the potential integration of AI without significant additional processing.
- It acknowledges the existence of poor-quality data in non-standard formats but emphasizes the availability of well-structured public transport data.
- Route Analysis:
- The passage identifies a common problem in public transport: the challenge of determining optimal service routes based on current and potential demand.
- It suggests that AI can analyze large datasets, including information on demographics, travel patterns, and other relevant factors, to recommend changes in routes with confidence.
- The time-consuming nature of this complex analysis without AI is highlighted, emphasizing the efficiency AI brings to this task.
- Safety and Security:
- Safety and security concerns in public transport are addressed, with a focus on the application of AI through video analytics.
- AI is described as capable of detecting and alerting staff about potential issues, such as aggressive behavior, suspicious actions, or situations where people and luggage part ways unexpectedly.
- The importance of human intervention based on AI alerts is emphasized, acknowledging the potential biases in AI programs due to the data collection methods and historical biases.
- Fraud Prevention:
- The passage discusses the application of AI in fraud prevention within public transport.
- Certain behaviors that may indicate potential fare evasion, such as jumping barriers or reversing a journey during inspections, can be identified by AI.
- It underscores the importance of avoiding automatic assumptions based on AI alerts, recognizing that certain behaviors might have legitimate reasons, and unjustly accusing individuals based on appearance is unethical and counterproductive.