Author Archives: Spasibukhov Artem

XR Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes

New technologies have completely changed our environment and our interaction with the world. In recent years, the term “extended reality” seems to have taken over the scene. To a certain extent, this has blurred the lines between other terms such as virtual, augmented and mixed reality. I will try to explain how these concepts interact with each other and how they may affect our lives in the future.

Extended Reality, or XR for short, is the generic name given to technologies that create computing environments and objects. This concept covers both XR forms already developed and those that will be created in the future. Various technologies differ and are defined primarily by the relationship between the real and virtual worlds.

17,147 Ar Vr Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

While in augmented reality users perceive virtual objects as an extension of the real world, in virtual reality they are immersed in a purely virtual world. Another hallmark of extended reality is that it is an immersive technology in all its forms.

Augmented reality technology, abbreviated as AR, incorporates virtual objects and data into the real world and thus expands or complements it. Virtual elements can be images, text, or animations. In any case, with augmented reality, the real environment is still perceived as predominant. User interaction with virtual objects is limited to non-existent ones.

Augmented reality is by far the most widely used form of extended reality. Its success is mainly due to the fact that the technical requirements are minimal. With a simple smartphone, tablet or computer, augmented reality can already be enjoyed, making it easily accessible to end users.

Virtual Reality, is a 360-degree environment entirely computer-generated. Users are completely immersed in the virtual world and interact with it, while the real world disappears.

Unlike augmented reality, this extended reality technology requires special equipment. With a virtual reality headset, users experience the virtual world visually, while the real world disappears completely and remains hidden. Thanks to the closed system, the degree of immersion is particularly high and allows the user to fully immerse themselves in the virtual world.

Mixed Reality, combines elements of AR and VR in practice. In this case, it is the most modern and sophisticated immersive technology. This form of augmented reality connects the real world with the virtual environment and creates a new context. The user simultaneously interacts with both real and virtual environments, and physical objects in the real world affect digital elements. This technology requires an MRI headset and particularly high processor power.

AR, VR, MR & The Metaverse | Bernard Marr

Some augmented reality applications have already become part of our daily lives, as for example the filters used in social networks.

The use of virtual reality is progressing, especially in the field of video games, although the technical requirements are still a barrier to success.

The use of mixed reality, on the other hand, is mostly limited to businesses.

In order for all the forms of extended reality mentioned above to find their place in everyday life, a number of problems have yet to be overcome. They are mainly associated with the high costs of developing the underlying technology and the devices required to use it. However, over time, innovations in this area will surely make it accessible to everyone.

To sum up, XR is the future of immersive technology. As these technologies and the market will develop, it will be easier to access them, move from one to the other and mix them up, since they will eventually merge into one that we do not distinguish and which we are likely to access from the same device.



Li-Fi: Future of the global communications network.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a technology that may soon replace the usual Wi-Fi. It is a bidirectional high speed wireless communication technology. For better understanding, this technology uses light to send wireless data that is embedded in its beam. Gadgets that support Li-Fi technology convert a beam of light from LED bulbs into an electrical signal, and then this signal is converted into data.

The main advantage of Li-Fi over Wi-Fi is the data transfer rate, which is almost 100 times higher. According to some information, the speed of the Internet connection can reach more than 1 gigabyte per second.

Li-Fi, unlike Wi-Fi, does not interfere with radio signals. This ensures the highest speed Internet connection without interference and interruptions. Li-Fi technology is more secure than Wi-Fi. It provides additional protection for users’ personal data, as light is blocked by walls. On the other hand, Wi-Fi is easy to hack because the technology has a wider reach and the signal is not blocked by walls.

However, there are some disadvantages caused by the same reasons. As it was mentioned before, Li-Fi signals cannot pass through walls, as they depend on the emitted light. Therefore, for a full connection, LED lamps must be placed throughout the whole house. For Wi-Fi, of course, this problem does not exist.

LiFi Technology — LiFi

To ensure an uninterrupted connection, you need the light to be constantly turned on. Wi-Fi uses radio frequencies to communicate, but their number is limited. Therefore, when several devices are connected to the network, the data transfer rate drops. Whereas LEDs use light wave frequencies that are hundreds of times greater, which allows Li-Fi to operate at a consistently high speed.

Technologies are constantly developing. Soon, each of our devices will be constantly connected to the Internet. Can Wi-Fi handle all this Internet traffic alone? I don’t think so.

Nevertheless, when LiFi technology will be commercialized, no one knows. It should be at least integrated into phones, laptops and become free for the users. Only then it will start its exponential growth and mass adoption.

Considering everything mentioned, Li-Fi cannot completely replace the beloved Wi-Fi yet, but, undoubtedly, it will become an excellent assistant in the development of a global communications network.


AI in Medicine and Healthcare

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in medicine is one of the main trends in the healthcare world. AI and neural networks can fundamentally change the entire world of medicine: transform the diagnostic system, promote the development of new drugs, improve the quality of medical services in general and reduce costs. In the future, the possibilities of AI are almost limitless.

Neural networks are actively used today in the development of intelligent systems due to their ability to learn. The mechanism of operation of artificial neural networks repeats the principle of biological ones. In a digital version, a neural network is a graph with three or more layers of neurons that are interconnected.

In the learning process, input neurons receive data, process it on the inner layer of the neural network, and the results are output. If the result obtained during the training process does not suit the researchers, they change the weight of the connections and retrain the network. At the same time, the success of the process and the reliability of the results depend on the amount of input data – the more of them, the better.

Neural networks can be applied in medicine in many ways. For example, a patient makes a request “headache”, “high temperature”, “chills”, and the neural network analyzes thousands or millions of cards of other people and, based on their diagnoses, can assume a disease of the person who made the request.

Naturally, the neural network cannot be 100% sure that the patient has, for example, the flu with the above symptoms, but it assumes such a diagnosis in accordance with the conclusions of doctors on other medical records. Today, many technologies for medicine have been developed based on neural networks, and some of them are already actively used in clinics around the world.

The development of AI today is a priority for many countries around the world. If we consider the introduction of smart systems in the medical field, then, first of all, their benefit will be to increase the accuracy of diagnosing various diseases.

AI in the healthcare system - measurable benefits and a huge challenge

The practice and experience of a doctor may not be enough to timely identify a particular problem in the human body, while a neural network with access to a huge amount of data, advanced scientific literature and millions of case histories will be able to quickly classify any case, correlate it with similar problems in other patients and suggest a treatment plan.

Artificial intelligence can take on all the tasks that distract medical staff from their main job – saving human health and life. Programs can select wards, search for available equipment, monitor the condition of medical equipment, etc.

AI today often shows higher accuracy in making diagnoses and performing other tasks than a doctor. If the doctor and AI work together, then the probability of errors is reduced almost to the level of statistical error.

Investments in AI in medicine are extremely important today – they provide an opportunity to develop the field, and in the future, completely change the entire face of healthcare in the world, make it more reliable, efficient, comfortable and safe for humans.

However, not everything is going smoothly at the moment. The introduction of artificial intelligence systems in the medical field has problems and disadvantages that should not be forgotten. There are several barriers to AI in medicine.

The creation and implementation of artificial intelligence systems requires serious funding. The high cost is largely due to the need to train the program, adjust it to the data accumulated in a particular medical institution. In addition, it requires special maintenance, which will require a qualified and motivated team. And last, but not least, for efficient and quick work of AI, serious computing power is needed, which may simply not be available in an ordinary medical institution.

Despite the serious difficulties of implementing AI systems, the prospects for their use encourage us to look for solutions to overcome any obstacles. Highly qualified specialists from different parts of the world, talented researchers, excellent mathematicians, doctors, representatives of pharmaceutical companies, etc. are constantly working on the development of this area. However, despite the development of AI, the role of a person in the field of healthcare still remains a leader.


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AI in cybersecurity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the biggest artificial intelligence trends we’re seeing is the increased use of AI technology for cybersecurity and surveillance.

Many believe that the introduction of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity technology will be a kind of revolution and this will happen much sooner than one might think. In fact, in the future, we are likely to expect only gradual improvements in this area. But even these steps towards absolute autonomy still go far beyond our capabilities in the past.

When looking for new ways to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence in the field of cybersecurity, it is important to outline the range of modern problems in this area. AI technologies can be useful for improving many processes and aspects that we have long taken for granted.

Best Cybersecurity Stocks & Funds of 2022 | The Motley Fool

A significant part of cybersecurity weaknesses is related to the human factor. For example, even with a large IT team, properly configuring a system can be an incredibly difficult task. Computer security is constantly improving, and today this area has become more complex than ever. Adaptive tools can help troubleshoot issues that arise when replacing, modifying, and upgrading network systems.

Manual labor efficiency is another cybersecurity issue. A manual process cannot be replicated exactly the same every time, especially in a dynamic environment such as today’s cybersecurity landscape. Customizing multiple corporate endpoints is one of the most time-consuming tasks. After initially provisioning a device, IT pros often have to go back to the device to fix configurations or update settings that can’t be changed remotely.

It also should not be forgotten that the nature of threats is constantly changing. If people are responsible for responding to them, their speed of action can be slowed down when faced with unexpected problems. A system based on AI and machine learning technologies can work under the same conditions with minimal delay.

Threat response time is one of the most important performance indicators of a cybersecurity service. Attacks are known to move very quickly from exploitation to deployment. In the past, before launching an attack, attackers had to manually check all vulnerabilities and disable security systems and sometimes this process could take weeks.

A person’s reaction may not be fast enough, even if the type of attack is well known. This is why many security teams are more focused on remediating successful attacks than preventing them. Undetected attacks represent a separate danger.

Machine learning technologies are able to extract attack data, group it and prepare it for analysis. They can provide reports to cybersecurity professionals to facilitate data processing and decision making. In addition to reports, this type of security system can also offer recommended actions to limit further damage and prevent further attacks.

Ideally, the role of AI in cybersecurity comes down to interpreting patterns discovered by machine learning algorithms. Of course, modern AI is not yet able to interpret the results as well as a human. This area is actively developing, a search is underway for algorithms similar to human thinking. But the creation of real AI is still far away. Machines have yet to learn how to rethink situations in abstract terms. Their creativity and ability to think critically is far from the popular image of ideal AI.



Machine learning in trading

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Since its invention, machine learning has been actively used in the field of financial technologies. Prediction models were the first applications of artificial intelligence in the financial sector that proved to be useful.

Trading requires a lot of attention and sensitivity to the market. Experienced traders rely on many sources of information such as: news, historical data, reporting, messages from company insiders, etc.

AI and Machine Learning Gain Momentum with Algo Trading & ATS Amid  Volatility - FlexTrade Systems » FlexTrade Systems

The risk is high and there are many variables to consider. For this reason, some financial institutions rely solely on machines to complete transactions. This means that a computer with a high-speed internet connection can execute thousands of trades throughout the day, profiting from small price differences. This is called high frequency trading.

Traders use machine learning algorithms to improve the reliability of input forecasts. Trading is about identifying certain structures that are limited by time, space and their correct usage. The process of searching for patterns by a person is laborious and takes many hours. However, AI algorithms are excellent machines for finding these patterns. When a trader suspects a breach in a particular data stream, they can speed up the search process using machine learning.

It is worth considering that market conditions are subject to frequent changes, so trading robots are subject to constant adjustment. Which takes a lot of effort and time. Here machine learning comes to the rescue, and with its usage allow you to automate re-calibrations.

Nevertheless, even very modern machine learning algorithms today are very primitive in relation to the human brain. When an AI beats a chess player in a game, it simply means that the machine overtakes the human in the race. Naturally, the machine is faster, but this doesn’t make it better, it only perfectly performs a very narrow purpose in a certain stream of conditions.

It is worth noting that trading is not a narrow task. Trading is always a wide-ranging competition with other people who use all their brains to outsmart you. Algorithm alone will not give you an advantage. Because the data you feed to your algorithm means a lot more to successful trading. Therefore, the algorithmic forecast will always lag behind the forecast of a professional human trader, with only condition that he is not limited in the data flow.


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The RAVN-X is a new Autonomous Aircraft Designed to Launch Small Satellites

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Startup Aevum from Alabama (USA) presented on December 3 aerial vehicle Ravn X, designed to launch small spacecraft into orbit. It weighs in at approximately 55,000 pounds when it’s carrying a full payload, making it one of the heaviest unmanned aircraft in existence today.

The promise of the drone is that it can put a payload in low-earth orbit in approximately three hours, a fact Aevum claims will allow it to shorten lead times on satellite launches from years to months. Outside of its ominous-looking exterior and record-setting mass, the Ravn X isn’t so different from other aircraft. It only needs about 1-mile of runway to get in the air, allowing it to take off from almost any commercial airport. It also uses the same fuel as a traditional jet.

Once the Ravn X gets up to a suitable altitude, the two-stage rocket it’s carrying drops from its belly, igniting in about half a second. Eventually, Aevum says 95 percent of the launch vehicle will be reusable, but to start about 70 percent can be used again. When the Ravn X finishes a delivery, it simply lands and heads back to a hanger to prepare for another launch.

Aevum says the Ravn X represents a new paradigm of putting a rocket into space. And while the autonomous aspect of its approach is different, there are other companies working to put rockets into space from aircraft. Virgin Orbit is one such company — though it has yet to successfully complete a test launch.

Ravn X, el dron autónomo listo para situar satélites y astronautas en órbita

One of the key differences between Aevum and other space launch startups is that Ravn X already has been awarded prestigious government contracts totaling over $1 billion including the upcoming ASLON-45 mission with the United States Space Force. ASLON-45 is the first formal small launch mission contracted by the U.S. Space Force under its SRP-O program. Other active contracts include an AFWERX Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II contract for rapid launch and space logistics, a broad scope, under a special topic developed for rapid transition of the SBIR program which includes sole-source eligibility for Aevum, a nod to Aevum’s unique value proposition to the government market relative to other small launch companies.

In addition, USAF Space and Missile Systems Center’s Launch Enterprise Small Launch and Targets Division awarded Aevum its Orbital Services Program-4 (OSP-4), Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, giving Aevum the ability to compete for 20 missions over a 9-year period.

The sum-total value of these 20 missions is $986 million. With the OSP-4 IDIQ, Aevum stands alongside some of the most well recognized and established players in the industry to support the USAF with flexible and responsive launch services.


Triton Submarines has released a new six-seater underwater bathyscaphe

Reading Time: 2 minutesTriton Submarines, the creator of the first 24-seat tourist submarine DeepView, has developed a new six-seat bathyscaphe. The name “3300/6” refers to a dive depth of 3300 feet (1000 meters) and the number of sites for which it is designed.

The ship’s cockpit is the world’s largest acrylic sealed spherical hull with a diameter of 2.5 m. Five seats look outward, while the sixth is turned inward, oddly enough, the pilot sits there. The seats are removable, so that unnecessary ones are removed as unnecessary. The cockpit has air conditioning – a must for submarines due to the lack of fresh air. Entry and exit is through a hatch behind the cockpit.

Triton 3300/6 | Triton Submarines

The dive seems to be long, although 1000 m is only the third depth of the Titanic crash site. And yet it is much deeper than scuba gear allows, the record for which is 307.6 m. Then the athlete took 12 minutes to descend, and 15 hours to rise again for safe decompression. The 3300/6 sealed bubble will not have such problems, it has enough air and battery power to explore the underwater world for more than 10 hours.


The movement is carried out by two main and two auxiliary engines with a power of 12.5 kW, and piloting is carried out using an intuitive joystick and touch screen. The maximum speed of the bathyscaphe is 3 knots or 5.5 km / h. In deep water, the submarine’s path is illuminated by six 20,000 lumen floodlights.

The complex 3300/6 weighs about 11 tons with a length of 4.55 m. In addition to some models, there is a robotic arm. The price of the bathyscaphe is $5.5million (£4.1million). That’s the biggest disadvantage because one dive on such bathyscaphe will cost you much more than scuba diving. Therefore, ordinary individual in most cases will prefer the second option. Nevertheless, the product will be in demand among rich people and experienced divers.

Incredible £4.1million luxury Triton submarine that can dive to 3,280ft |  Daily Mail Online


BMW’s new electric scooter

Reading Time: 2 minutesBMW is trying to reclaim its mantle as a leader in electric mobility. As part of a suite of announcements outlining the German automaker’s latest products, BMW revealed a bold new electric scooter concept: the Motorrad Definition CE 04.

CE 04 is the result of an attempt to create a “smart” car for getting around the city, although its appearance can make you smile. The e-bike is equipped with a flat battery at the bottom, providing 120 kilometers of range. Conveniently and compactly placed the engine and the associated belt drive system.

Фото: BMW

Under the oblong single seat is an unusual luggage compartment where, for example, you can store your helmet. An important design feature is the specially left open suspension parts. CE 04 is equipped with an on-board computer displaying the technical condition of the scooter and a built-in navigator.

According to scooter producers, CE 04 – exclusively urban. Its future owners are townspeople who drive within 15 kilometers a day. But even though e-scooters are cheap to run, they can be expensive to buy. Prices are coming down but e-scooters from major brands like BMW are far more expensive than petrol versions. For example, the BMW C-Evolution costs just under £13,000 while a standard scooter can cost anything between £1,000-£1,500. You’d be lucky to find a good e-scooter for less.

Of particular interest is an accessory that has nothing to do with the scooter, but nevertheless, created by BMW especially for it – the “smart” driver’s jacket. It is made of waterproof material and has LEDs integrated into its sleeves and hood. You can make it glow with the help of sensors sewn into the sleeves. This jacket also has its own powerbank built in, with the capability of wirelessly charging your phone when it’s in the pocket, and that’s another nice touch. It’s lightly armored and designed to be worn on and off the bike. Again it’ll be interesting to see if, and how this gear makes it through the certification process.

Фото: BMW

It is obvious that BMW will have a lot of competition if and when it decides to move the CE 04 out of the concept category and into the realm of reality. There are a variety of relatively inexpensive motor scooters available today and more on the way. Of course, the more choice will be, the better for customers, but it is still unknown whether BMW will live up to the expectations imposed on them.


UK Rescue Service Tests Jetpacks For Mountain Paramedics

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn the UK, in the Lake District mountainous region, a prototype jetpack is being tested for paramedics in the rescue service. The customer is the Great North Air Ambulance Service, the jetpack developer is the well-known company Gravity Industries, founded by Richard Browning. Medical jetpacks will not replace the air ambulance, but will significantly speed up the provision of assistance in mountainous areas. As the undulating peaks and valleys can often mean that helicopter is unable to safely land close to the casualty, forcing travel by vehicle or foot.

There are two main scenarios where a jetpack paramedic is especially helpful. Firstly, if it is impossible to deliver the doctor to the patient except by helicopter, then the doctor can personally go to him. Secondly, which is more common, when the injury is not dangerous, like a simple fracture, but ordinary rescuers will climb to the goal for at least half an hour. With a jetpack behind you, this can be done in 90 seconds, injecting painkillers and providing first aid until the group arrives.

A paramedic with a jetpack flies directly, ignoring obstacles on the ground, and therefore there is no price for such a vehicle in the mountains. According to Andy Mawson, the head of the rescuers, with such equipment, he will be able to defibrillate the victim at an altitude of 1 km, a maximum of 8 minutes after receiving a cardiac arrest signal. In theory, a jetpack from Gravity Industries can lift its operator to a height of up to 4 km, but so far no one is aiming at such boundaries for safety reasons.

But there is a huge problem – each jetpack costs $ 435,900. And Gravity Industries is still working on a design that will be optimal for paramedics. Most likely, they will have to reduce the power of the system and there is no need to maintain such a high speed of 136 km/h. So, there is still a lot to work on. But the main thing is that a start has been made, and jetpacks made of expensive toys for adults will finally begin to be used with real benefits.


Hybrid quadrocopter HYBRiX 2.1 set a record for autonomy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One of the main characteristics of modern electric multicopters is the autonomous flight time on a single battery charge. On average, such devices can fly no more than 30 minutes. However, for hybrid units, a petrol and electric drive system is used. One of these quadrocopters, created by the company Quaternium from Spain, recently broke the record and spent 10 hours 14 minutes in the air.

Новый рекорд HYBRiX 2.1 - более 10 часов в полете

In the basic configuration, the HYBRiX 2.1 weighs 13 kg, lifts up to 10 kg of payload, accelerates to 80 km / h and stays in the air for up to 2 hours with such a load, which is more than the “electric trains” show. And most importantly, a drone with a hybrid installation can continue to work immediately after refueling.

The first model developed by Quaternium under the HYBRiX 2.0 brand flew in a hybrid engine for four hours and forty minutes in December 2017. This time became a new world record for autonomous quadcopters. To further improve the model, the company will release the HYBRiX 2.1 model, which in February 2020 set the next world record for autonomous flight time, which was already 8 hours 10 minutes.

Hybrix 2.1 can carry up to 10 kg weight for 2 hours - Regard News

Further improvement of the parameters of the HYBRiX 2.0 was carried out by changing the parameters of the drone’s fuel system. The developers have increased the volume of the fuel tank to 16 liters and installed a fuel injection system for the two-stroke quadcopter engine. The injection system is made by the Spanish company Löweheiser, is quite compact and affects the total weight of the device.

The quadrocopter can be used in many areas, for example Benidorm’s Police is using the HYBRiX to solve problems more efficiently, such as search and rescue missions or control of illegal dumping, and to improve the protection of Benidorm citizens.

“As a Police tool, this device has the advantage of endurance, enabling us to start and finish the job without needing to return to the takeoff point to change the batteries in order to extend the flight time,” Benidorm Local Police Agent Francisco Albero Clemente said. “This aircraft allows us to perform operations similar to those of a helicopter, at a reduced cost.”

Quaternium – Leader of long-endurance drones

Furthermore, today the world is suffering from recurrent catastrophes caused by climate change. From floods to forest fires, generating huge damages to critical infrastructures, communications systems access and basic services. For over 10 years, quadcopters have proven their value in evaluating the aftermath of earthquakes such as the case of the Sichuan earthquake or Hurricane Florence’s landfall. In both disasters, multirotors were used to search the land and identify as many people as possible. Although they were useful, they all had the same limitation, flight endurance. Being only able to cover small areas.

During these situations, every second counts. This is what motivated Quaternium to develop a drone that could have a much longer endurance. With HYBRiX, rescuers and firefighters will be able to identify hot spots and access property damage while searching for survivors. Thanks to the unique features of HYBRiX, these situations can be managed safely while achieving faster results.
