A lot of us watch Youtube everyday. Money people because of youtube became millionairs. It has become an inseparable platform from our daily life. Creators get their money from the views they get and “clients” get their favourite content. Youtube has killed any other video platforms, but there are some who want to try different angle.
Odysee is a crypto video sharing platform. Based on LBRY framework, that holds METADATA of actual files. Kind of like a torrent. The files are somwhere in cloud and block-chain notices down where are they. Odysee then let’s viewers watch content, but it runs a small code that makes them pay for that in tokens. Content creators recieve tokens of Odysee and viewer can watch the content whenevr he wants. Content’s fee is added only by creator, so they pick how much money they want to earn. Most of the videos are free tho.
What distinguishes Odysee from Youtube? Mainly the fact that Odysee censors only terroristic, abusive and torture content. Which let’s creators to put in stuff thay aren’t allowed on youtube. Many people find it a relief.
Odysee still has some flaws. Upscalling isn’t working propely. Which you can see by entering any video. Another thing is that it’s not popular yet and not many creators are there to be found. Hopefully we will se some improvement in future.
Blockchain technology is bigger and bigger nowadays. From building a block that transcribes transactions, up to smart contracts that offer more and more. In this world of digital goods, and virtuality there is also a company that wants to connect with “our” world. As the early days of cryptocurrencies and nfts are passing by, more and more ideas immerge. Moving better and worse solutions from one world to another. From digital to real, and from real to digital. Building bigger trust and bigger security without killing privacy.
IoTex – a company that has a lot of interests, but a particular one is very interesting. It is one of not many companies in crypto world that actually produce hardware. Why is it rare? Mostly because of love for digitalization, and the lower costs that the “standard” crypto business model offers. So why did IoTex choose to actually produce something?
IoTex, for now, has two products:
Pebble – a small device that offers information such as: – temperature – location – light
Ucam – camera?
Both of these two products have something unique in them. They are both connected to IoTex blockchain. Meaning they can be verified, proofed. Why would you need such technology tho?
Let’s start with Pebble. Why would you need a blockchain verified location? For example: imagine that your government wants to verify your location while you vote. You have to be somewhere in order to have your vote submitted. Or let’s say you are somewhere and in order to receive tokens from your employer you need to prove them your location.
Pebble also bounds temperature and light to blockchain, based on these measures you can build totally new version of DAO – Decentralised Autonomous Organization, that runs everything through code. It opens totally new ability for token economy.
What about Ucam? Your own camera can’t be hacked, because you are the only person that has the key to operating the camera. Of course, it works through your crypto wallet.
As of today, they have over 10 000 devices sold and operating. Personally, I’m waiting for governments to get interested in such solutions. Using blockchain technology to control reality feels like future.
As metaverse buzzes in our ears more and more, you may have heard about DeFi. Decentraliased Finances. What are they? To explain that we will go over system that we use now.
In the past societies used centralised financing. Thats how banks, central banks, governments work. Altho we have the money ‘they’ control it. So every transaction that you want to do is proceeded by bank. Every time you earn money, you have to pay tax, if govement doesn’t want you to borrow money they will raise interest rate, and you won’t be able to afford it.
Centralised finance is also expensive, time for every transaction, keeping a bank account, tax lawyers etc. You can encounter many fees on your way, and many aditional mediators.
So how is Decentralised Finance different? Well there are no banks. Instead there are computers running a code. You don’t have to trust them, they are just peace of code. You can check the code whenever you want, to make sure it doesn’t scam you. What’s more it is not controlled by government, you can insert money from any source. Lastly it’s way, way cheaper.
DeFi is based on five pillars: Stable Coins – coins that value as much as a currency for example: dollar. To show you how does it work imagine that everytime someone wants to buy stable coin for dollars, new coins are minted, and everytime someone sells them they are burnt. To keep it exactly the same value.
Borrowing and landing – because of anonimity in blockchain it’s hard to think of the way you would borrow money to someone who might be anywhere, and be anyone. Actually there is. Thanks to smart contracts. You can easily deposit your money on a smart contract based platform, that will exchange your money for their “C” or “A” tokens. You will recieve interest accordingly when exchanging tokens back to your currency. Now the borrower will borrow the money, but he will have to give collaterall. Well that sucks right? Not exactly. Lets say you have 3 bitcoins and you dont want the money to be freezed. So you give your bitcoin as a collateral, and recieve money from the smart contracts. If you run away with money code will give your bitcoin to person who lended it. If you make more money by trading with money, that you recieved from your bitcoin, it’s yours minus fees and initial cost.
Decentralised Exchanges – normally exchanging from one currency to another costs a lot of money and is orgenised by your bank, maybe by a exchange company or revolut. Because of centralisation of these, you can exchange only a limited number of currencies. Also fees may weight a lot. Decentralised exchanges base again on a code, which also takes fees, but up to 0,5%. Thanks to blockchain you can buy any currencies you want. Whenever you want.
Insurence – can be code again, that gives you money if the conditions are met. Where does the money come from? Investors lend their money again for a interest rate, and you pay a monthly fee. They get money back and you have insurence. If somthing goes wrong, conditions are met you get the money and they lose it.
Margin Trading – Works the same way as in centralised world, but is run again by a code, and anyone can be investor.
So to summer up, decentralised finance lets you be any part of the system. You can earn money on transactions only banks could do. You can borrow money from anyone and it’s safe. Decentralised Finanance is very flexible, and lets anyone join in.
Found in many novels like “Snow Crash” or “Ready Player One”, haptic gloves are an inseparable part of the VR set. The ability to touch and feel in the digital world is slowly becoming a holy grail. Those who should claim it will become one of the leading tech companies.
Recent Meta video showing their new haptic gloves spiced the competition even more. After 7 years of development Meta finally decided to share some of their secrets. Gloves work thanks to around 15 actuators – inflatable plastic bubbles, that create the sensation of touching. If Meta would be able to fit thousands of those actuators in a glove the sensation would be almost indistinguishable. The device also possesses standard VR chips to let the camera track your every move. Combining gloves with Quest 2 – VR headset, gives a really strong impression of full immersion being just around the corner. Inventors say that our brain is really good at combining various senses. Seeing an object, and touching it is enough for our brain to even enhance this experience. What’s more Meta plans to develop the first high-speed microfluid processor. This will allow controlling air flow that moves the actuators.
Since Meta is not the first one to build this kind of device there have been different approaches. One of which presents company HaptX. Their idea is to use an electromagnetic solution. In the core, you can find a coil that creates an electromagnetic field, which is picked up by small sensors in each finger. Mixing this with actuators creates a very strong level of reality. The big thing is that HaptX gloves have force feedback. Your fingers will get blocked in a position they normally would if you were to grab any object. You can feel the resistance of objects that are made digitally.
Haptic gloves still have a long way to go. Both companies are working on creating a better and better experience with lower and lower costs. Right now the estimated price of these gloves is around 23 000 USD. Not a lot of people would afford it. Also, there is still some work to be done in aspects of weight or overall design. Those are still prototypes, it will take some time before we see them in the customers market.
Since Mark Zuckerberg’s new Meta video, there has been a lot going around on this topic. Metaverse is full of controversies, many people have problems with perceiving actual value in the digital world. For many watching video games still is something new. How about Travis Scott’s massive online concert, which was held in a game called Fortnite? Which was attended by 12 million people. People could view his big 3d model rapping from the stage. Imagine having a model of yourself in the game. Wouldn’t it be fun?
Project Metahero might help you as their goal is to make visions from Steven Spielberg’s movie – Ready Player One possible. How is this going to work?
According to Metahero’s idea, scanning will be done in chambers that measure 2,5 m height and 4,2 m diameter, which will allow 4 people to enter at once. Sixty-four cameras will scrutinize your body once 120 seconds. This means up to 400 scans a day will be possible. The Chamber is built from 16 columns which as their website says “are mobile”. It will allow chambers to move around and let people scan themselves in different places. Metahero plans to distribute 12 of these chambers around the world currently with one already in Doha, Qatar.
How much will you pay for such a digitalization? Around 200 $ in Metahero currency.
What will be possible with your body scan? This we can leave to our creativity.
We could play any game as ourselves, or we could attend an online meeting just as how we look. Maybe we could sell our to other people and let them use it. Maybe we could use different avatars to go on an imaginary date with our favorite actor? Possibilities are endless.
Additionally, there will be a hero app, that will allow its users to track their investments and their hero’s inventory.
Metaheros’ plan is to take one part of metaverse services: scanning. In the same division, you can also find other competitors.
Seems like metaverse is slowly starting to take off with everyone taking their places.