The internet as we know reflects really well the misogynistic tendencies of society. On all popular social media women and girls have to deal with so much hate, based purely on their looks or hobbies.

Brooklynne Webb is a TikTok personality who got to over 10 million followers being only 17. Yet despite her popularity, for many she became no more than a “cringy” joke. Most of her comments were filled with people telling her to stop singing and trying to “cancel” her. She released the song that even though became popular got more hate than acceptance.
Now, Brooklynne has released an entire album of just different remixes of just one song as she revealed that her entire social media persona was a satire. All of material that she published was designed to attract the haters to show how many people were willing to make fun of a teenage girl who were never proved to be actually problematic. The hate she receive only hyped her profile and got her more followers. Every person who tried to bully her only contributed to the success of her project.
The entirety of Brooklynne’s personality was a performance and the results were exactly as she expected. However, she mimicked a situation that does happen to a lot of creators, leaving many young girls’ esteems damaged.
***obviously hate on the internet does not only apply to girls, this does not change the fact that misogyny on the internet is a problem