Author Archives: Miłosz Wróblewski

Translator earbuds

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The development of translator earbuds has been a major breakthrough in technology, offering people from different countries the ability to communicate seamlessly. These earbuds have completely changed the way we interact with one another, as they can automatically translate spoken language into other languages in real time. This makes it much easier for individuals who wouldn’t normally be able to understand each other due to language barriers.

Translator earbuds range in price and quality depending on the brand, with most falling within the price range of $100-$500. They come equipped with multiple features such as automatic translation and easy-to-use controls via voice command or through a dedicated app on your smartphone. Some models also offer noise cancellation which helps reduce background noise interference when you’re engaging in conversation. In addition, many models now come with additional features like an integrated virtual assistant and even meditation programs for relaxation and stress relief.

What is the Role of a Language Translator?

Regarding their performance and accuracy, there have been mixed reviews from users who have tried them out. While some have praised their convenience and accuracy, others have complained that they are not always reliable when it comes to translating complex sentences or words from another language. However, these issues may be addressed over time as technology continues to improve.

When looking towards the future, it is clear that translator earbuds will continue to evolve and become more advanced in terms of both technology and design. It is likely that we will see more sophisticated models with improved accuracy levels as well as additional features such as voice recognition capabilities for added convenience while conversing with others in different languages. Additionally, there could be further developments regarding how these devices can be used outside of just talking – such as providing audio translations for written text or videos – opening up even more possibilities for social interaction across cultures all over the world.

Timekettle WT2 Plus AI Language Translator Earbuds review - The Gadgeteer

All things considered, translator earbuds are still relatively new products on the market but they already show great potential for improving communication between people from different countries all over the world. The improved accuracy levels combined with additional features will no doubt make them even more popular in years to come so that people everywhere can experience what it is like to converse comfortably without worrying about language barriers!

Cyberpunk in real life?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The increasing prevalence of bionic enhancements and prosthetic body parts is a hot topic in the news right now. With advances in medical technology, it’s becoming increasingly possible to replace or enhance human body parts with robotic equivalents. This recent development has left people both excited and scared of what the future may hold.

RoboCop (2014) - IMDb

On one hand, the potential to use these enhancements to improve the quality of life for those with disabilities or injuries is certainly worth exploring. Imagine being able to give someone with a severe injury a new chance at life, or giving someone born with a disability greater mobility these are incredible possibilities. However, it also raises some questionable ethical questions about what constitutes humanity and how far we should go to alter our bodies. For example: should people without disabilities be allowed to modify themselves? What kind of modifications should be allowed and which ones should remain off-limits?

5 Best Pieces of Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077 -

The idea of bionic enhancements brings to mind the cyberpunk genre of science fiction, where characters often rely heavily on advanced technology and robotics. From cyborgs like Robocop to augmented humans like Major Kusanagi in Ghost in the Shell, there’s a long history of stories featuring enhanced people who have blended humanity with machinery. As this technology becomes more available in real life, it will be interesting to see if these stories continue to remain purely fictional, or if they start breaking out into reality as well.

Prime Video: Ghost in the Shell

Despite all this uncertainty around the ethical implications of bionic enhancements, it’s clear that they can offer significant potential benefits for those who need them most, that much is certain. But until we get a better understanding of the moral implications of this technology, we must be cautious and thoughtful when discussing it otherwise, we risk getting into an unregulated world where anything goes when it comes to altering humanity using machinery.


AI game changer in the fight against antibiotics resistance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The threat of antibiotic-resistant pathogens is a growing global health danger, with the potential to cause an estimated 10 million deaths each year by 2050. As the world scrambles to find a solution to this looming crisis, artificial intelligence is emerging as a potential game-changer. AI can help to identify new antibiotics, as well as provide better methods for tracking and predicting the spread of antibiotic resistance.

Could Artificial Intelligence Fix Antibiotic Resistance? - The Atlantic

One way in which AI has already had an impact on combating antibiotic resistance is through its ability to rapidly diagnose infections. AI algorithms can quickly process large quantities of medical data in order to identify which specific bacteria is causing an illness, allowing doctors to quickly administer targeted treatments that are less likely to lead to further antibiotic resistance. This helps prevent the overuse of antibiotics and reduces the chances of drug-resistant superbugs developing.

AI can also be used to develop new antibiotics that have a greater chance of being effective against drug-resistant bacteria. By analyzing vast amounts of data about bacterial genomes and known antimicrobial compounds, AI systems can rapidly generate more informed hypotheses about how existing drugs might be modified or combined in order for them to remain effective against resistant strains of bacteria. This could lead to the development of more tailored and effective treatments down the line—ultimately providing us with better ways of fighting off dangerous infections while also reducing the risk of furthering antibiotic resistance.

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic | MIT News | Massachusetts  Institute of Technology

My opinion on AI’s fight against antibiotic resistance is that it has tremendous potential to make a positive impact in this area, particularly when it comes to speeding up the process of identifying and understanding how bacteria are developing resistance. However, there are still limitations with AI that need to be taken into consideration. For example, AI cannot replace traditional medical practices as it requires human input and interpretation in order to accurately identify patterns that could lead to possible treatments. Additionally, although AI can provide valuable insights into antibiotic use and resistance, there is a risk of making decisions based on incomplete data or biased systems. It is important that we take the necessary steps to ensure any AI application used in this arena is designed responsibly, with safeguards in place to protect patient safety.


AI taking control over management?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently there have been a lot of talks about AI work tracking. Employers have always kept an eye on their workers, but with the increase in home-based working during the pandemic, it has gone further. Unexpectedly, people may even prefer having their everyday work tracked if it is intended to inform them of their performance rather to creepily control them. Acording to Roshni Raveendhran and Nathanael Fast paper people are considerably more receptive to, and even motivated by, tracking that is carried out by algorithms than by other people.

In series of experiments people who received feedback from humans versus algorithms were twice as likely to freely report that they felt judged (36 percent versus 17 percent).  Participants said they’d feel less judged at the company using an algorithm, and as a result said they’d feel greater autonomy, and in turn would prefer to work there. Does it mean that AI will take control? 

Do I think AI will take place of managers?

Although I think the idea of AI having such a big influence on employees’ work seems an upgrade. In my opinion, in certain aspects, it makes huge downgrades.

10 Reasons Managers Are Important in Business Organization | Malaysia  Largest Part Time & Internship Job Recruitment Platform

Technology cannot take the place of effective managers’ work. They bring diverse groups of people together, creating relationships and over time developing successful teams that complete challenging tasks. AI can’t create that sort of contact between people. What’s more this sort of solution closes people in bubbles making them work like machines. It might create a culture in which people go through the motions of being active while not accomplishing anything. Managers get to know their team members individually and work carefully to set expectations, be supportive, understand context, and give feedback and direction. That’s something AI can only mimic, without real relation, simple human emotions it’s a short-term solution which I think eventually won’t push forward the development of firms.


Will AI determine if we can end our lives? Will Everyone be capable of 3D-printing suicide pods for themselves?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Recently debate about suicide Sarco pods came back to life. We still are not sure if our lives should be put in hands of AI. Certainly, it’s hard to imagine it deciding if we are allowed to die.

The Sarco pod also known as Pegasos and has been referred to as a “suicide pod” is a euthanasia device or machine consisting of a 3D-printed detachable capsule mounted on a stand that contains a canister of liquid nitrogen to die by suicide through inert gas asphyxiation. “Sarco” is short for “sarcophagus”. It is used in conjunction with inert gas nitrogen which decreases oxygen levels rapidly and prevents panic, a sense of suffocation and struggling before unconsciousness, known as the hypercapnic alarm response caused by the presence of high carbon dioxide concentrations in the blood. The Sarco was invented by euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke (Founder of Exit International a non-profit organisation advocating the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide) in 2017.

The inventor thinks that the mainstream medical community has completely medicalized the end-of-life process while ignoring the many social, existential, or purely cognitive criteria related to it, which he argues are equally valid. That is why Nitschke and his team are creating an online interactive program that completely deletes the human aspect, thanks to its algorithm it will be able to evaluate if a certain person can get a “free pass” which is a ticket to use the death pod. The whole process will take less than 24 hours. He says his AI will assess a person’s eligibility for suicide using the guidelines suggested by a professor of law, health and ethics at the University of Sydney named Cameron Stewart, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in 2011.

Interestingly, Nitschke says he’s been getting a tone of requests, from people who see “no future for the planet” due to all sorts of crises like a global warning and war in Ukraine. He considers them all equally respectable and answers that

“anyone who makes a rational decision to end their lives should have the best access to the best means necessary,”

The current pod costs around €25,000 to produce, a significant reduction in cost from the first version of Sarco, which came to over €150,000. But Nitschke’s aim is to reduce the price to zero and allow anyone anywhere to download the design and print it for themselves free of charge.

So, here we are thinking about the future. Will we accept the ideology of Philip Nitschke? Will we allow an AI to determine who is fit to choose their own way of death? Will we see people in the near future printing Sarco pods for themselves? Or maybe we will totally ignore Nitschke’s ideas? What do you think?
