The emergence of 5G technology promises to transform connectivity, impacting everything from individual devices to entire smart cities. With its promise of faster speeds, lower latency, and the ability to connect a multitude of devices simultaneously, 5G is a crucial component in the evolution of urban environments.
What is 5G?
5G, or fifth-generation wireless technology marks the latest advancement in mobile networking, significantly improving upon previous generations like 3G and 4G. Its key benefits include:
Increased Speed: 5G can provide download speeds up to 10 Gbps, significantly faster than 4G.
Lower Latency: With latency as low as 1 millisecond, 5G allows for near-instantaneous communication between devices.
Higher Capacity: 5G networks can support up to 1 million devices per square kilometer, enabling massive IoT ecosystems.
Enhancing Smart City Infrastructure
Smart cities leverage technology to improve the quality of life for their residents. With 5G, urban infrastructure can be transformed in several ways:
Connected Transportation: 5G can power intelligent transportation systems, enabling real-time data exchange between vehicles and road infrastructure. This enhances traffic management, reduces congestion, and increases safety through features like vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication.
Smart Utilities: 5G facilitates the implementation of smart grids, leading to efficient energy distribution and management. Sensors connected via 5G can monitor energy usage in real time, optimizing resource allocation and reducing waste.
Public Safety and Security: 5G enhances surveillance systems and emergency response services. By allowing for rapid data sharing, it enables first responders to access crucial information swiftly, thereby improving response times during critical situationsю
Empowering the Internet of Things (IoT)
One of the key strengths of 5G is its capacity to support the Internet of Things (IoT). Considering the fact smart cities rely heavily on interconnected devices, 5G offers the crucial bandwidth and stable connection they require:
Scalability: The system’s capacity allows cities to implement extensive networks of IoT devices, from smart meters to environmental sensors, without overwhelming the network.
Reliability: The low latency of 5G ensures that critical data is transmitted quickly and accurately, which is vital for applications such as healthcare monitoring and autonomous vehicles.
Challenges and Considerations
Infrastructure Investment: Deploying 5G requires significant investment in new infrastructure, including antennas and fiber-optic networks. Cities must find ways to fund and facilitate this expansion.
Security Concerns: With the increased connectivity comes the risk of cyberattacks. Ensuring the security of connected devices and data is crucial for maintaining public trust.
Digital Divide: As cities embrace 5G, it’s vital to ensure universal access to close the digital divide and promote equity in smart city projects.
5G technology has the potential to significantly impact urban connectivity and smart city initiatives. By enabling faster, more reliable, and scalable networks, 5G can facilitate the development of innovative solutions that enhance urban living. However, to fully realize its potential, cities must address the associated challenges and ensure that all citizens benefit from this technological advancement. The journey towards smarter cities is just the beginning, and 5G is leading the way.
Reference links:
1. Yahoo!News – 5G Network to Improve Connectivity on Oxfordshire Railway Line
Emerging technologies are changing the way we live, work, and communicate. One such technology is 5G, the fifth generation of cellular network technology. 5G promises to revolutionize our communication by providing faster speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connectivity. However, like any new technology, 5G has its pros and cons. In this blog post, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of 5G technology.
Advantages of 5G Technology
Greater Transmission Speed: One of the most significant advantages of 5G technology is its greater transmission speed. The 5G network spectrum includes the millimeter-wave band, which is expected to be 100 times faster than Fourth Generation (4G) networks with transmission speeds up to 10 Gbps. This inevitably leads to faster transmission of images and videos. A high-resolution video that would normally take a long time to download can now be done in the blink of an eye using the 5G technology.
Lower Latency: Latency refers to the time interval between an order being received and the given instruction being executed. In 5G technology, the delay time is around 4-5 milliseconds (ms) and can be reduced to 1 ms, i.e., ten times less than the latency of 4G technology. This makes it possible for us to watch high-speed virtual reality videos with no interruptions. Due to this particular feature of 5G technology, it can be extremely helpful in fields other than IT, like medicine and construction fields.
Increased Connectivity: Since the 5G network uses more spectrum, it allows connection with a greater number of devices, a hundred times increase in traffic capacity, to be precise. This increased connectivity will enable more devices to connect to the internet simultaneously without any lag or delay.
Better Coverage: Anybody who has tried to get decent cellular service at a crowded concert or sports event knows that it can often be a challenge. Thousands of mobile phones competing for the same cellular service can overwhelm even the best Fourth Generation (4G)/Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks. However, with 5G, more connectivity can be provided to these areas with lower latency and expanded access for larger groups who may need it.
Improved Communication: With its low latency and high speed, 5G is expected to enable faster and more efficient communication between people and devices. It will also provide ubiquitous connectivity to many more devices.
Disadvantages of 5G Technology
Costly: We need skilled engineers to install and maintain a 5G network. Additionally, the equipment required for a 5G network is costly, resulting in increased costs for arrangement and maintenance phases. Not to forget that 5G smartphones are costly too.
Development: The 5G technology is still under development, resulting in investing more time before it is fully operational without any issues such as security and privacy of the user.
Environmental Degradation: For establishing a 5G network, more towers and energy will be required for proper functioning, which will result in the degradation of forest land and resources, adding another cause to global warming.
Radiations: To establish a 5G network we require switching from Fourth Generation (4G) to Fifth Generation (5G) network which means both networks will operate together causing more radiation that will have long-lasting consequences on humans and wildlife.
Dangerous for Wildlife: Some studies have found that there are certain insects that absorb high frequencies used in Fourth Generation (4G) or Fifth Generation (5G) networks.
In conclusion, emerging technologies like 5G have their pros and cons. While they offer significant advantages like greater transmission speed, lower latency, increased connectivity, better coverage, and improved communication; they also pose significant risks like being costly, under development, environmental degradation due to increased towers and energy requirements for proper functioning; radiation causing long-lasting consequences on humans and wildlife; being dangerous for wildlife.
I decided to do more research about this topic rather than use AI-generated text. Bing AI was helpful with providing guidance to my research, however, it was less thorough when being asked prompts such as, “What speeds can new 5G technology perform at as compared to old 3G technology we had years ago?”. I didn’t necessarily agree with every article and the points that were being driven. Some argue that the rapid deployment of 5G infrastructure may pose environmental concerns due to increased energy consumption and electronic waste. Additionally, there are privacy and security concerns related to the vast amount of data transmitted through 5G networks, raising questions about data protection and surveillance. There are many mixed opinions about this topic and it is hard to trust a single source and outline where biases lay.
In today’s world, technological advancements continually dictate our lifestyles, work dynamics, and communication processes. Among these innovations, the introduction of 5G technology stands out as a revolutionary landmark, promising a massive transformation of our digital space. Its tremendous speeds, low delay, and increased capacity trigger a surge of enthusiasm and expectation for its revolutionary consequences across various sectors.
What is 5G Technology?
5G technology, short for the fifth-generation technology standard for cellular networks, represents a monumental leap in wireless communication. 5G technology operates by utilizing higher radio frequencies and antenna technologies to transmit data at incredibly high speeds. It uses millimetre waves, allowing for faster data transfer rates and reduced delays.
Evolution of Connectivity
The journey of wireless communication, from the first-generation mobile networks focused on voice calls to the current 4G facilitating high-speed internet on smartphones, has been nothing short of remarkable. Yet, the arrival of 5G signifies a paradigm shift, elevating connectivity to unparalleled heights.
Speed and Delay
A defining feature of 5G is its remarkable speed, being better than typical 4G speeds. This exponential increase opens doors to seamless streaming of high-resolution videos, immersive virtual reality experiences, and immediate downloads. Its reduced latency, unnoticeable to the human eye, enables real-time interactions crucial for applications like remote surgery, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation.
Improved Connectivity
5G’s efficiency extends beyond speed; it’s about accommodating an enormous number of devices simultaneously. This increased capacity supports the explosive growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), where interconnected objects communicate, revolutionizing smart cities, healthcare systems, agriculture, and various other sectors, driving efficiency and innovation.
Impacting Industries
The ripple effects of 5G go far beyond faster smartphones. In healthcare, 5G-enabled remote surgeries could bridge geographical gaps in medical expertise, potentially saving countless lives. The ultra-low latency of 5G in manufacturing could optimize production lines, facilitating predictive maintenance and autonomous robotics. In transportation, it promises safer and more efficient autonomous vehicles, transforming the way we travel.
Challenges and Considerations
Yet, the widespread adoption of 5G faces hurdles—infrastructure upgrades, spectrum allocation, security concerns, and regulatory challenges among them. Equitable access to 5G networks is crucial to avoid exacerbating digital divides, underscoring the need for collaborative efforts.
5G technology isn’t just an upgrade; it’s an engine for innovation, economic growth, and societal evolution. However, realizing its full potential requires concerted efforts to ensure inclusivity and accessibility. The impact of 5G technology on today’s world is profound, offering boundless opportunities for progress and shaping a future where connectivity knows no bounds. As stakeholders navigate this transformative era, collaborative endeavours become imperative to harness 5G’s benefits for all facets of society, heralding an era defined by unparalleled connectivity and limitless possibilities.
With the Internet of Things and other networked devices demanding faster and more reliable connectivity – combined with exponential data growth, 4G technology simply isn’t enough. That’s when we turn to 5G technology. The primary differences between 4G and 5G come down to latency, download speeds, base stations, cell density, OFDM encoding and virtualization.
The most significant difference between 5G and its predecessor, 4G, is latency or the delay between commands and responses. 5G promises latency under one millisecond, while 4G latency ranges from 60 to 98 milliseconds. And with lower latency also comes faster potential download speed. 4G maxes out at one gigabyte per second, while 5G aims for up to 10 gigabytes per second, that’s ten times faster.
Another critical difference is the signal transmission. 4G, like its predecessors, transmits signals primarily from large cell towers. However, 5G uses small cell technology that, at the cost of a smaller range, delivers higher frequencies, therefore 5G transmitters must be deployed more densely than cell towers. Experts estimate that there will be 5 to 10 times more small cells than cell towers. In addition, because 5G networks will be denser, they can support more users and more types of devices, meaning faster speeds with greater connection capacity.
Both 4G and 5G use OFDM, an encoding which splits different wireless signals into separate channels, but they use different channels 4G, the 20 MHz channels in 5G, 100 MHz to 800 MHz channels. Because of 5G’s larger channels, there’s less signal interference and more capacity to boost things like download speed. Virtualization is also an opportunity with 5G. Although LTE, a standard 4G technology, offers software systems and services to support more devices, virtualization will allow operators to deploy more software-driven networks for affordability and flexibility and lead the path to network slicing.
While the change from 4G to 5G technology might not be this noticeable for us, mobile device end users, we will undoubtedly benefit from it. 5G is set to enable large-scale machine-to-machine communications, allowing for a reduction in human error and an increase in automated processes. Its high reliability and low latency services could allow for innovations in the medical sector, such as robotic aids during surgery to increase accuracy or ambulance drones to provide real-time incident coverage. The transport sector is perhaps the most widely reported to benefit from 5G. Advancements in this industry could not only make roads safer and more environmentally friendly but also make businesses’ logistics, fleet management and stock control more efficient and cost-effective. It goes without saying that the end user will ultimately benefit from cheaper goods through seamless manufacturing and quicker journeys through connected vehicles.
5G promises bold advancements and improvements over 4G, which are already being implemented. Unfortunately, due to the fact that several representatives of the Homo sapiens sapiens species lack a little in the sapiens department, the process of 5G technology implementation has been held back.
Around 50 years ago it happened to be clear that the world will never be the same place again. The internet revolution has started. Today, we are continuing that process and the pace of changes is only increasing. Overall trends show that the differences between technological domains are blurring to answer the demand of modern society. The result of that is the birth of IoT applications in various domains, both on the specialized and mass market.
This in turn gives tremendous business and career opportunities for all types of specialists from various domains, because:
There is no smart city without smart sensors.
Smart sensors need an embedded AI.
Embedded AI requires data scientists.
This short scene shows the mechanism on how different technologies (in this case AI) are intertwined with the IoT. Unfortunately, this causes a high degree of uncertainty and is making business/career decisions more complex. In order to act wisely, you need a good understanding of the roots of these technologies.
Internet of Things (IoT)
As you probably might guess the Internet of things is a concept that is a little mixed up. So, I would like to divide it into two components: the internet & the things to introduce it that way.
Firstly, we need to look at the very basics and acknowledge that the existence of our universe is possible thanks to the 4 fundamental forces of nature: Gravity, The weak force, Electromagnetism, and The strong force.
For us, the most important is Electromagnetism, which throughout the past centuries we were trying to tame and benefit from. It was pretty unsuccessful, until the 19th century when we started to process the energy in more sophisticated ways.
At that time we uncover the potential of radio frequencies and made developments like electric light, transformer, wireless communication, etc.
If you are familiar with the early history of the internet you probably recognize the name ARPANET, which was a military program developed to connect the university centers in the United States. The next step was the creation of Internet Protocol (IP), soon after that the 1G cellular system was born and the rest of the story you know.
As you can see the Internet was initially created to connect specialized machines with at least a bit of computing power such as computers and in the later steps mobile devices. On the other hand, back in the ’70s, there were initial applications of machine-to-machine communication (M2M).
You might ask, how is today’s IoT different, from what it was in the past?
A great answer to this question is a quote by iotforall:
„The biggest difference between M2M and IoT is that an M2M system uses point-to-point communication. An IoT system, meanwhile, typically situates its devices within a global cloud network that allows larger-scale integration and more sophisticated applications. Scalability is another key difference between M2M and IoT. „
Let’s quickly visualize the power of IoT in practice.
Giving the example of healthcare true flawless experience might look like that: mattresses monitoring your sleep, chairs monitoring your posture, various medical devices testing your condition, microphones collecting the data about your cough to monitor lungs conditions, etc. This in turn shows that we need billions of more connections than we have today and it only is possible with the new generation of telecommunication architecture.
5G, 6G
The answer to this demand is an improved technology of the 5th generation (5G) of cellular communication protocols, rules, and methodologies issued by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
It is mainly focused on:
The wide availability of the signal (enhanced mobile broadband)
Significantly decreased latency compared to 4th generation technology, especially useful for applications requiring critical reliability e.g. remote surgical operations
Enhanced machine to machine communication up to 1 mln devices per 1 square kilometer
Technology still faces many challenges both in engineering and societal aspects. As you can see many challenges addressed by the IoT advocates are not going to be solved with the rise of 5G architecture. Cellular of the fifth generation might soon become outdated and that is why various R&D departments are already working on the 6G.
It is projected that the next few decades are going to be a constant transition process between new generations of cellular technology. Henceforth, it is obvious that 4G, 5G, 6G will overlap it selves and it would be hard to talk about one of them individually in terms of predictions. That is why I would like to describe more in detail the future potential business opportunities as the result of these three.
It is projected that by 2030 the overall telecommunication advancements will allow:
Transfer of senses like smell
I would like to disclaim that this is going to be my private observation, that with the rise of political trends and ideas to give every person a salary from the first day of birth, this will have hundreds of results (not rating good/bad) and one of them will be the increasing boredom. The rise of all sorts of gaming apps using this feature is just a marvelous way to create new experiences and disrupt the entertainment sector.
Inch perfect localization services
Space! The answer to an unbreakable internet connection all around the world. Satellite-based internet is a huge opportunity to enter growing markets like e.g. Nigeria. Many of the services that Google wanted to provide to this country failed due to low internet connection. In the next decade, it will change for the better. It is worth to mention almost everybody in Nigeria is a smartphone user.
Another aspect is the production and management of the data gathered throughout the satellites. Geospatial analytics is a great source of knowledge e.g. ability to measure the amount of gasoline in Saudi Arabian Oil Tanks and send this data to the NYC stock exchange to see how is the relation of stock prices to the real demand.
Not to mention GPS advancements that will make navigating, targeting, etc. more efficient.
How to benefit from it?
I hope that now, you have just a bit broader sense of how it all will be in the future and that now we are just starting.
Huge problems usually are followed by huge earnings if solved. Here is the list of problems and few interdependencies that might help build your future business model/career.
Connectivity — discovering the ways to establish a reliable wireless connection. As we already know, the connection is just a radio wave of a certain frequency, hence it can be modulated. This modulation could be „smart” in the future thanks to Deep Learning and Machine Learning.
Continuity — optimizing the battery life. How to predict long-term battery life by analyzing data from charge-discharge cycles?
Compliance — be up to date with evolving regulations. As AI is improving financial services compliance, it has a significant potential for smart management of constantly changing regulations.
Coexistence — billions of devices per km2 means billions of data that need to be processed. Smart sensors with embedded AI is a crucial element of industry 4.0
Cybersecurity — a secure connection is the most important part of IoT. Which technology will make it possible? Blockchain IoT has a projected 45% CAGR, what will be the successor of NFC (near-field-connection)? Many questions little answers = good business opportunity.
The transformation process will not happen overnight, 5G is very different from 2,3,4G because it is now when the Industrial revolution will be possible. Adding a coronavirus and the tendencies to move industry production from China back to Europe all give opportunities for businesses focusing on adapting Europe’s industry to new circumstances. All solutions connecting the old infrastructure with the new technologies are going to be crucial.
In the IoT world embedded AI will be used very often and a certain degree of independence requires applied algorithms to be reliable. To do that the algorithms will have to be certified. If you like law and science maybe such a research center is a good career choice.
As space will be a fundamental part of IoT systems and you would have an opportunity to work in a NewSpace company it is highly possible that you will benefit financially and you will have long-term stable employment.
Motion is everything. We are entering a time when the motion of people, cars, ships, etc. will be tracked and the data produced this way will be the new oil of our century. To benefit from it, you need to solve some issues named as 5 C’s of IoT and follow the newest media coverage about Industry 4.0 and the space race.
Eventually, almost everyone faced the problem of a broken phone screen. There will be no such a problem with Ulefone Armor 11 5G even for the clumsiest person as you need to try REALLY HARD to break it.
Some days ago Ulefone presented their new model that is called Armor 11 5G (this is actually a modified version of Armor 10 5G that was presented the previous year). The phone has got 5 cameras, including the main 48-mp Sony IMX582 module and a frontal 16-mp camera. And what is more appealing, the phone has got a 20-mp night vision module.
Ulefone Armor 11 5G is based on MediaTek Dimensity 800 5G single-crystal system, having a 6,1-inch screen, 8Gb of RAM, and 256Gb memory card. As a new iPhone line, the smartphone can use 5G net, supplying it with a great performance. The 5200mAh battery is responsible for the great work duration and a wireless 10V charger. However, Armor 11 5G is working on Android 10, and for now, there is no possibility to update it to Android 11 (it is said to be possible only after the official release).
Of course, it has an NFC module and Google Pay support, face recognition, and dactyloscopy sensor. One of the aims of the device is its usage for military purposes, and for that, it has IP68/IP69K protection level and a military standard MIL-STD-810G certificate, which makes it perfect to be used in different rough conditions. The price of such a device is unknown yet.
5G is a multi-service network, that is able to adapt a whole host of devices: smartphones of course, but also enhanced 360° content and augmented reality, connected objects, fridges, driverless cars. 5G technology will change the way we live, work, and play-for good. It promises to greatly enhance the speed, Verizon’s network showed speeds surging past 1 gigabit per second.
But why everybody is talking of its great influence on modern people lives? One of the benefits is something called low latency. You’ll hear this term a lot. Latency is time between clicking on link or start streaming a video, which sending the request up to network, and delivering you the site or playing your video, when the network responds. With current network this time is about 20 milliseconds, but with 5G it reduces to 1 milliseconds. Also, the literally incredible think about new generation network is that it is designed to connect a far greater number of devices than a traditional cellular network does. 5G can multiple devices around you, whether it’s a dog collar or a refrigerator; it is also specifically built to handle equipment used by business, such as farm equipment or ATMs.
One of advantages of new network are, as i believe, that 5G can make a big profit for rural and suburban areas that have not enjoyed the same access to wireless as cities; in health industry: hospitals will not only be able to remotely diagnose a patient’s complaints, but they will also have the ability to remotely perform surgeries and other hands-on procedures using digital avatars; environment: connected devices will transform data on weather conditions, plant health, crop health, moisture, mineral and chemical levels, pest presence and more, affecting labor allocation, cost management, waste reduction and yield; smart cities:IoT sensors will monitor and collect data on everything from air quality, to energy use, to traffic patterns. 5G will be able to use artificial intelligence to analyze the massive amounts of data being collected to automate processes that are currently done manually.
Can’t I just pick up 5G with my existing smartphone?
Sorry, no. 5G technology requires a specific set of antennas to tap into specific bands. For instance, Sprint’s LG V50 is specifically tuned for its 5G network. Likewise, the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G is tuned for Verizon’s network and its millimeter wave spectrum. You can expect more 5G phones to launch later this year, with phones able to ride on different networks coming out in mass in 2020.
Samsung Galaxy S10 5G
How broadly will 5G be available in 2019?
Here’s the other concern: 5G might still be only a theoretical possibility for a lot of people.
T-mobile says it’s launching in 30 cities this year, AT&T will have 22 cities. But it’s unclear how wide the coverage will be. Globally, China, Japan and South Korea are racing to build out their 5G networks, with Europe turning on its own 5G network now. So don’t feel like you need to rush out to buy that first 5G smartphone. Chances are, service won’t be widely available until 2020 or beyond.
So, how do you feel about inevitable changes in our generation and world? Do you agree, that 5G will change it?