Tag Archives: cheating

Is technology killing education?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We all believe or want to believe that technology development is something good. It shows we’re moving forward, we’re getting better, we’re pushing the limits. But does it always make sense? Do we always need to introduce more gadgets and software to all fields? Is it always justified with thorough thinking and planning?

I doubt that.

I want to raise a taboo subject of technology in education (and in classrooms in general). More and more schools are facing this problem, including Kozminski University.

smartphones in the classrom

Source: www.bostonglobe.com

The first thing you notice when you enter the classroom is that literally 90% of students do not pay attention to the teacher, but do pay attention to their smartphones, tablets and laptops. What is the point of going to a class if all you do is scrolling Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat? And why do teachers never react?

It is said that problems with attention can be blamed on technology. You can argue and say we’re a generation of multitasking, but guess what? Researches show multitasking is actually impossible and what you do is more of a “task-switching”.

My point is not criticizing students for not paying attention in a class. I’m guilty myself! Moreover, being addicted to social media is not something my generation chose. It’s rather something we inherited from previous generations and are forced to live in.



Source: www.someecards.com

Let’s look at the problem from a different perspective. Why would someone pay attention to the full-of-text PowerPoint slides that he knows he’ll receive before the exam? Slides that can be read at home in 1 hour? Of course, there are teachers who try to make their classes more interesting and engaging, but even in spite of those efforts, PowerPoint in killing education. There’s no point in making notes when they’re already made and sent to you. Not to mention taking notes with a pen and paper, which happens to be the best way to learn.

Another taboo is cheating. We’re in Poland where cheating is, unfortunately, socially accepted. Teachers pretend they don’t see that, but smartphones and access to the Internet make cheating easier than ever before. With practically no reaction and no penalties, the value of your diploma is getting low. It is also said that with easy access to academic information, any academic writing is no longer original. Is that what we wanted?

Of course, there are amazing companies that help people learn (like Brainly, Skillshare, Khan Academy, Lynda, Codeacademy and many many others), knowledge is now more accessible than ever before. But is school really teaching us how to learn? Or just how to pass the exams?

Some people say technology is making us stupid and it’s hard not to agree with that. Others will list trends that are changing education for better and you can’t argue with that either. Technology is getting better every day and we probably should be excited about it, but are we actually ready for it? Maybe it’s time to stop for a moment and think not only about how we can implement technology at schools, but also how we can reduce its negative influence. After all, education is our future.


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Apple pickpocket

Reading Time: 3 minutes

apple more dollarsEvery year Apple “generously” give us a new version of its phone. Lately, even doubling impressions, since there are two iPhones and even more colours. Some say that changes are good from the point of view of the user. But I have the impression that Apple behaves like a wolf in sheep’s skin. In the old days iPhone was setting the standards – not always had the best components but innovative features combined with (no doubts) the best design in the market and unmatched clarity iOS formed product practically unbeatable. Until now. In my opinion Apple shot itself into its foot. After the death of visionary Steve Jobs from the main innovator in the mobile market dropped to a miserable copyist of Asian copmetitors solutions which has not worked well. The famous “bend gate“, smaller batteries and skyrocketing prices in Poland discourages more customers. Of course queue for new iDevices is not declining but it remain some disgust. But the thing I was most upset was that suddenly “normal” iPhone (without Plus) has become secondary product. It is no longer the best product on the market in favor of greater Plus model. Why? Of course it’s about money. If you want to buy the iPhone which „lasts” whole day on a single battery charge you have to purchase Plus with a larger battery (obviously it’s more expensive). The same is about the camera – only in iP6Plus there is optical photo stabilization (more expensive). Not to mention the added functionality of the system in Plus (some features similar to the iPad’s software). Of course company explains lack of those by size of the casing or screen in iP6 but really „basic version” of this phone could easily handle all these functionalities. In addition there’s new swindle called “ChipGate” – the latest S versions processors comes from two companies – Samsung and TSMC. On paper the specification of this first looks little bit better (first of all why there are any differences?) but in practice during tests it turned out that it consumes much more energy for the same activities and was getting hotter. Moreover the calculations showed that there are more better processors (in percent of all) installed in… Plus versions (which are of course more expensive!). The cherry on top is that in practice customers in store can’t choose which processor will have because there’s no possibility to turn it on before buying (only in refurbished versions). Last but not least is that Apple continues to treat Poland as a third world country. In theory in Poland Apple’s market share ranks at around 2,14% but it still does not explain why Siri – which is one of the basic functionalities since the iPhone 4S and one of the main tools in using iWatch – is still not Polonized. Not only that iDevices premieres in Poland are delayed, we need to pay more for them comparing to other countries and in addition we can’t use all the features of the iOS. This way Apple simply pulls out lots of money from client’s pockets by not ensuring access to all its solutions and forcing customers wanting to have the best possible equipment to purchase more expensive variants. The icing on the cake is basic capacity of 16GB. To what extent is this enough – a few hundred pictures, songs and few apps? Of course you can buy a bigger capacity versions that are… more expensive. The conclusion is one – the company that once was famous for its innovation and unmatched facilities for not small amount of money has become a company that has increased the capacity of the screens in their devices (unthinkable at the Jobs times) and the efficiency of extracting even more money from their customers pockets.

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