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Balancing Innovation with Sustainability: The Role of AI in Climate Change Mitigation

Reading Time: 3 minutes


The recent fusion of advanced technology with environmental stewardship has underscored the critical role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the global effort to combat climate change. AI, though still an evolving field, offers transformative potential in enhancing our strategies to protect the Earth. This powerful technology presents a unique mix of substantial opportunities and significant challenges, necessitating a nuanced approach to its application.

AI’s Role in Climate Action

AI’s remarkable ability to process vast datasets is proving to be a game-changer in comprehending the intricacies of environmental systems. As highlighted by Forbes, AI’s contributions to climate modeling and forecasting are noteworthy. These AI-driven models have the capacity to predict weather patterns with greater accuracy, closely monitor the progression of climate change, and critically evaluate the impact of diverse environmental policies. This provides policymakers with an invaluable tool, enabling them to make more informed, strategic decisions that have long-lasting effects on environmental conservation.

Moreover, AI’s proficiency in pattern recognition plays a pivotal role in ecological monitoring and preservation efforts. This advanced technology can meticulously track wildlife migration routes, vigilantly monitor changes in forest cover, and assist in identifying illegal fishing operations, a point underscored by ABC News. The provision of real-time, precise environmental data by AI empowers authorities and conservationists to take proactive steps in safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems.

The Environmental Cost of AI

However, the deployment of AI in environmental conservation is not without its drawbacks. As CBS News points out, the significant carbon footprint associated with AI technologies cannot be overlooked. The energy-intensive nature of training and operating complex AI models often results in considerable greenhouse gas emissions. Ironically, this contributes to the environmental problem AI seeks to mitigate. Therefore, it is imperative to manage the application of AI with utmost care and consideration, ensuring that its use does not accidentally worsen the issue of climate change.

The United Nations, through a report by UN News, acknowledges this paradox and stresses the importance of developing more energy-efficient AI systems. Additionally, they advocate for the use of renewable energy sources in powering these technologies, thereby ensuring that the environmental benefits of AI in climate action are not negated by its own carbon footprint.

Striking a Balance

The European Commission’s Horizon Magazine delves deeper into the energy dilemma faced by AI, advocating for a balanced approach. This involves carefully weighing the benefits of AI in climate action against its energy consumption and emissions. The development of more efficient AI algorithms, coupled with the adoption of green computing practices, is crucial in this context.

My opinion

From my perspective, effectively leveraging AI in the battle against climate change hinges on achieving a balance between technological innovation and environmental sustainability. The potential of AI to provide innovative solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges is undeniable. However, it is crucial for the AI community, policymakers, environmentalists, and the public to collaborate in ensuring that the deployment of these technologies is beneficial and does not harm the environment.

Investments in green computing, the development of energy-efficient AI models, and the integration of renewable energy sources in data centers are essential steps toward this objective. Furthermore, transparent reporting on the environmental impact of AI operations and public education about these impacts can facilitate a balanced progression between technological advancement and ecological preservation.


In conclusion, AI stands as a source of great hopes in the ongoing struggle against climate change. Its unparalleled ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data offers deep insights into complex environmental issues, guiding our efforts towards more effective solutions. However, it is crucial to proceed with caution, ensuring that our pursuit of technological solutions is environmentally sustainable. With thoughtful management, innovative thinking, and a commitment to sustainability, AI can indeed be a formidable ally in our quest to preserve the planet for future generations. The journey ahead is complex, but with AI as a tool in our arsenal, we stand a better chance of making significant strides in protecting our environment.


  1. https://www.forbes.com/sites/markminevich/2022/07/08/how-to-fight-climate-change-using-ai/?sh=52af254f2a83
  2. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/artificial-intelligence-carbon-footprint-climate-change/
  3. https://abcnews.go.com/US/mitigating-climate-change-preserving-biodiversity-ways-ai-environment/story?id=101590463
  4. https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/11/1143187
  5. https://projects.research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/en/horizon-magazine/ai-can-help-us-fight-climate-change-it-has-energy-problem-too
  6. https://bethesdagreen.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/artificial-intelligenceenvironment.png

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  1. As I draft a post on a techblog about AI and climate change, can you provide more detailed examples of how AI is used in environmental monitoring? Base on the links that I have pasted for you.
  2. As I write about AI and climate change, I need some help with an overview of its benefits. What should I include?
  3. In my article, I want to touch on the energy use of AI. What are some key aspects I should cover?
  4. I’m looking for some basic insights on the challenges of using AI in climate action. Can you suggest some topics?
  5. I’m finalizing my post about AI in environmental science. Could you provide a summary of the key takeaways from the articles I’ve shared?
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Electric cars produce more pollution than gasoline cars. Ever?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Today electric cars are being pushed into the world car market to make it more environmentally friendly for people to travel. Its theory is for people to buy electric cars to travel and make less pollution. But are cars the main reason for polluting in the first place yes they are everywhere but are electric cars the solution? 

The world is ready for electric cars but can the producing keep up with it? Batteries are seen to be the biggest issue with better technology their production is rapid. But batteries are the most damaging stage of the production procedure in cars. The production of batteries starts with lithium mines that are mostly located in Chile, Canada, and Australia then the raw material is transported to Europe for cleaning and mixed to make lithium for its final stage to being made into batteries. But for the production of clean lithium batteries, the material has to be transported again from Europe to china where the biggest producers of batteries are. This procedure does not sound clean to me with all of the transport happening. But looking at the long run this is definitely an option to make the world cleaner. 

Looking at what will power these batteries is another problem that we face. These called green sources of power have mixed ideas of eco-friendly. Wind turbines can be a case when a lot of people sed that to produce a wind turbine makes more damage then it will produce this is not true but except one aspect of the producing the amount of concrete to place a wind turbine is huge and the production of that is great and as we know producing such specific concrete is very deadly for the idea of being eco-friendly. We all get to listen to the ideas of everything and how good it will be in the future but why don’t they tell us how it affects us now so what if in 100 years it will be better were in a situation where in need of change right now. Looking at sea transport for the raw, not raw, and final product of the batteries is one of the main transport to move such large quantities of the material because of the high demand to produce the batteries. Looking at statistics container ships account for 18% of air emissions but the problem here is that they do not take into account a very important aspect. What if the ship sinks? Sinking a ship affects the whole world because of all of the toxins that are not contained and leak into the whole sea, not just the area where the ship sank. 

The sinking ship is not a rare occasion between 2011 and 2020, 348 cargo ships sank, 40 chemical and product tankers sank, 37 Ro-ro ships sank and 35 container ships sank. The listed ships are the ones that make the biggest change in climate damage but the list goes on.

this is not a small number as each has a huge amount of toxins on board which would take many years to undo the damage but there’s nothing really happening to attack this damage done by the biggest corporations and firms around the world. 

 Another aspect of pollution is our consumption. Today we are pushed to have new technology the newest clothes everything new but what happens to the old things that we don’t use yes there are recycling procedures but there’s a limit to how an item can be recycled. Clothes are sent to poor countries and delt there which is not the worse idea but what about other items? Something like a phone is only 15% reusable. Look how many phones there are today and how much waste is involved. buying a new smartphone every year is a norm for many people because there’s a new model that comes out. We don’t look anymore at do we need this function of design to make our life easier only we look at” that is new we need it” and that is our problem. I don’t blame society but I do blame the corporations that push these new items if they dint look at making profits only to make sustainable money and make eco-friendly products, producing it would help the environment but then you would say that people would lose jobs, that’s the loop that I can’t find any information about. 

So looking back at if electric cars are the soluting to pollution I say yes but in the long run, definitely will not make a change today we have many different aspects to look at first then cars which could be taken as just another way to make more money with an eco-friendly change in theory.











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Making flying green

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Nowadays aviation has a reputation for being not eco-friendly. And that’s actually right. It is the major factor of green hose gases emission which are causing climate changes. And now when a situation is becoming critical more and more people are looking for more sustainable ways of transport. That’s why aviation is also changing to address this trend.

Changes are coming

Luckily for us there are some big changes in the development process. Hopefully in next few decades we will see aviation become more eco-friendly. Here are some ways how to deal with that problem:

1.Hydrogen fuel

There is no doubt that planes are one of the biggest factor of air pollution. According to some data aviation is currently responsible for 3.6% of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. That’s why engineers are working on making air travel more eco-friendly. It seems that the best solution would be to change kerosene so called jet-A1 fuel to hydrogen. Researchers show that this way of propulsion would have three times higher energy-per-unit that the traditional way. That means that planes using hydrogen would be able to carry hundreds more passengers per flight than traditional ones without polluting any CO2 to the atmosphere.

However there are some major issues to overcome. In order for Europe to fully achieve the benefits of hydrogen powered planes the production of clen hydrogen needs to be significantly increased. There is also absolutely no infrastructure on airports to store and mange this fuel. What’s more there are no planes that are adapted to this technology. Even though airbus states that around 2035 they will introduce the first zero emission plane.

2. Changes in the plane design

In addition to hydrogen fuel engineers are working o a new so called wing blended design. It combines the wing and the fuselage into a single unit, so the entire aircraft provides the lift for the flight. So that it will use according to same data 20% less fuel. It would also work perfectly with the hydrogen because of larger fuselage space. This has a particular relevance these days when aircraft manufactures are considering potential switch to hydrogen, which needs to be stored somewhere for long-haul flights.

There are already some proposals from aircraft manufactures and airlines how such planes might look like. One such proposal is from KLM which are working with the Delft university on a flying-V project. It would be a long-haul, high-capacity aircraft. With its blended design, it would be shorter than the airbus A350 but have a similar wingspan which is important for airport operations.

3.Pilot’s importance in going green

You might think that making flying more sustainable depends only on introducing new technologies such as hydrogen, mentioned above. But that’s not true. Even now pilots can do small things to save on fuel therefore also on C02 emission which even after introduction of flying-V or Hydrogen will have a good impact on reducing carbon emission. Here are some ways how pilots can improve their performance:

  • better flight preparation – that means taking less fuel for the route of course in safety limits
  • taxi with one engine – which obviously means to use one engine during both taxi in and taxi out to save up on fuel as well as on maintenance cost.
  • Minimizing APU use on ground – that means using the available ground infrastructure instead of the APU to prepare the cabin


To sum up, making flying more eco-friendly is very important for our earth. In my opinion switching to hydrogen will be a massive game changer in the aviation industry. If we really want to change something we should introduce all ways mentioned above and as a result we will slow down climate changes and improve the condition of our planet.

Below you have two videos illustrating two concepts how the future zero emission planes might look like. Let me know in the comments if you would like to board such a plane.


Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2022/02/04/what-is-the-future-of-air-travel/?sh=61699fd94787

Ec.europa: https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/horizon-magazine/quiet-and-green-why-hydrogen-planes-could-be-future-aviation

Airbus.com: https://www.airbus.com/en/innovation/zero-emission/hydrogen

Simpleflying: https://simpleflying.com/blended-wing-design/

Openairlines: https://blog.openairlines.com/5-fuel-savvy-tips-every-pilot-should-know

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