Tag Archives: E-economy

The Internet of Things

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Internet of Things

In today’s world, the term “Internet of Things” (IoT) has become an omnipresent concept. At its core, IoT is a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, enabling the seamless collection and exchange of data. The core focus is on making our devices more intelligent and interconnected, establishing a world in which everyday objects can communicate and collaborate to boost their functionality and efficiency.

What IoT actually is?

IoT involves a system of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, or objects that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. In simpler terms, IoT is the idea that everyday devices can connect to the internet and each other, enabling them to work smarter. From thermostats that adjust automatically to your preferred temperature to fridges that remind you to buy milk, IoT aims to make life more convenient.

A Brief History

The Internet of Things (IoT) originated in the early 1980s when a vending machine was connected to the Internet at Carnegie Mellon University. Coined in 1999, the term highlighted the potential of linking everyday objects online. By the early 2000s, technological advancements in wireless tech and miniaturized sensors accelerated IoT’s growth. This birthed smart home devices and expanded IoT’s reach across sectors like healthcare and manufacturing, shaping a future of seamless device communication and transformative impact.

Advantages of IoT

The integration of IoT brings advantages across various domains. One of the key benefits of this innovation is its ability to revolutionize convenience by automating processes and integrating devices, resulting in streamlined tasks. In the context of energy management, IoT plays a pivotal role in optimizing resource utilization, promoting sustainable practices and cost savings across industries like manufacturing. Another advantage is the improved surveillance and real-time monitoring, resulting in enhanced security measures and strengthened safety protocols. Businesses harness the interconnectivity of IoT to drive informed decisions, enhance operations, and deliver customized experiences, fuelling growth and creativity while boosting efficiency and competitiveness..

Disadvantages of IoT

However, IoT also brings some concerns. Privacy issues loom large as data generated by IoT devices becomes a potential target for breaches. Cyber vulnerabilities pose risks, raising debates about the balance between convenience and safeguarding sensitive information. Moreover, there is a growing concern about excessive dependence on technology, leading to conversations about the importance of human involvement and its consequences..

IoT in Smart Homes

The integration of IoT in smart homes ushers in a transformative paradigm. Picture a scenario where devices seamlessly interact—smart refrigerators not only manage groceries but also collaborate with online stores, autonomously placing orders as supplies diminish. This interconnectedness of IoT devices augurs unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and personalized experiences.

IoT in E-commerce

In the realm of e-commerce, IoT is reshaping business-consumer interactions. IoT-enabled devices detect low supplies and autonomously initiate orders. Retailers leverage real-time data for personalized recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction. The integration of IoT simplifies transactions, offering consumers enhanced convenience and efficiency in their shopping experiences.


The discourse surrounding IoT often revolves around the balance between convenience and potential risks. While proponents emphasize the unparalleled ease and efficiency IoT brings, critics raise poignant concerns about privacy invasion and interconnected devices’ inherent vulnerabilities. Striking a balance between these viewpoints necessitates stringent regulations to mitigate risks while harnessing IoT’s potential. In addition, there is a pressing concern about the potential over-dependence on technology, giving rise to discussions about the essential role of human involvement and its effects. As these technologies continue to intertwine, ensuring data security and privacy becomes crucial, despite the promised convenience and efficiency. IoT’s progress reflects its diverse capabilities, demanding a mindful fusion of innovation and ethical factors to define this interconnected environment.


AI generator used:

  • Google Bard
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Disadvantages of Digital Economy

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Pros And Cons Of The Growing Digital Economy Both Economically And  Psychologically - Asiana Times

 A good word is spread about digital economy. The advantages of it definitely open many doors for businesses and facilitates users’ experience: reduced costs, extended reach, more data are available, personalization, etc. But what about its downsides? Let’s dive deep into this topic.

Privacy and Security Concerns

 The typical digital footprint is massive — the average user has 90 online accounts, and in the U.S., there’s an average of 130 accounts linked to a single email address.

 Digital economy is significantly dependent on the acquisition and storage of personal data, which can create data privacy and security issues. Your search history, the ‘likes’ on social media made on digital devices — you may expect this information to be private, but too often it is not. Cyber-criminals exploit personal data for profit. Trillions of usernames, passwords, personal information, and confidential documents are for sale on all levels of the Internet.

 Striking a balance between innovation and individual privacy is not only feasible but essential for the long-term sustainability of the digital economy.


 The digital economy has created new companies and new ways of interacting. However, many entities and industries that didn’t or couldn’t capitalize on the technologies to change their operations have faced declining sales, falling market share, and even complete collapse. So, in many cases digital economy “demands” you to be included in order to be relevant even if you don’t want it.

 Job Displacement

 Automation and digitalization have taken many tasks from people, which facilitates the processes but also steals jobs from employees. Individuals might need to acquire new skills and even education what isn’t affordable for and even not that easy for understanding for everyone.


 The digitalization of the economy has resulted in a small number of large providers such as Apple, Amazon, and Google gaining substantial power, resulting in monopolistic conditions in certain sectors. These giants push out smaller competitors from the market and don’t let them embrace themselves, as the rivals have less trust yet.

 Environmental Footprint

 The digital economy’s energy use in data centers and electronic device production has environmental consequences, with rising demand for digital services leading to greater carbon emissions, e-waste, and a bigger environmental footprint. It brings us closer to the climate catastrophe and leaves us less time to prevent it.

 E-waste – electronic waste, also known as end-of-life electronics or e-waste, refers to discarded, recycled or refurbished.

 Fraudulent Activities

 It’s easier to fool someone via the internet because:      

  • It can be done anonymously
  • It’s easier to take more money from a person as he doesn’t “see” the amount of it
  • There are more schemes to do so (spam, advertisements, casino)
  • Your personal data may be simply stolen and be sold/used to pay on your behalf

Loss of Social Element

 On the one hand, digital space connects millions of people from different corners of the world. However, on the other hand, it reduces a face-to-face contact with individuals which isn’t favorable for many potential customers. It also may lead to a declined understanding of human’s reactions and ways of thinking in interpersonal dialogues.  


 Digital economy provides humanity with a wide range of great innovations made to enrich our experience. However, we should take into consideration the right ways of its exploitation and all the pitfalls from both sides: as businessmen/businesswomen and as customers.


  1. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-privacy-digital-economy-navigating-challenges-data-eenee-ph-d
  2. https://www.idx.us/knowledge-center/what-is-digital-privacy-and-how-can-it-be protected#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20main%20threats,breaches%20and%20personal%20data%20availability.
  3. https://www.idx.us/knowledge-center/what-is-digital-privacy-and-how-can-it-be-protected#:~:text=There%20are%20two%20main%20threats,breaches%20and%20personal%20data%20availability.
  4. https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/digital-economy/
  5. https://desklib.com/blog/digital-economy/

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Taste of the future. AI has created a new flavor for Coke.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It is not a secret that AI is highly implemented in every aspect of our daily lives, be it medicine, car production, or even the fashion industry. Nevertheless, not many of us expect to see AI-created products in our fridges.

However, nowadays the world is full of surprises.  The Coca-Cola Company introduces a new flavor created with the help of AI power and claims that it is the taste of the future. The company has combined technology and taste to create a unique experience for consumers.

Coke Y3000 was ‘co-created with AI’ and is meant to taste like the future.

AI Business

The creation

Coca-Cola ventured into the world of AI-generated flavors after realizing that consumer preferences are constantly changing. In today’s world, where customization and personalization are crucial, the company aimed to develop a drink that would not only cater to diverse tastes but also challenge the limits of what a cola can be.

The heart of this innovative venture lies in the sophisticated AI model that Coca-Cola employed. Trained on a myriad of data points, the AI system learned to understand the intricate nuances of flavor profiles, textures, and aromas. It was programmed to explore unconventional combinations and identify synergies that human taste testers might overlook.

The AI model generated countless possibilities for flavor combinations, and each iteration considered feedback from sensory experts. They took the learnings from each attempt and incorporated them into subsequent ones. The end result was a flavor that went beyond the ordinary, showcasing the potential of AI in the realm of culinary creation.

Is this even edible?

After introducing its AI-generated Coca-Cola flavor, the company eagerly awaits feedback from consumers. Early reviews indicate a positive reception, with many expressing enthusiasm for the innovative approach to beverage creation.

The verdict? It tastes fruity.

AI Business

Many Coca-Cola fans claim that the taste is refreshing and resembles a mix of fruit and bubble gum.


Coca-Cola’s venture into AI-generated flavors is a bold step toward the future of beverage innovation.By leveraging artificial intelligence, the company has not only created a unique and exciting product but has also set the stage for a new era of taste.

This marks a shift in the beverage industry, where technology and taste intersect to create products for a diverse global audience.

This flavor was created to show us an optimistic vision of what’s to come, where humanity and technology are more connected than ever.


Article about the crteation of special test (AI business)

Official site of Coca-Cola about a new taste.

Reviews about new taste. 


Another review: “Y3000: Where Technology Meets Taste in Coca-Cola’s Vision of the Future” (LinkedIn).



Reading Time: 2 minutes

First country to accept palm payment.

In an era where convenience and security play key roles in our daily lives, China has been at the forefront of pioneering innovative payment methods. Among these advancements, palm payment technology has emerged as a fascinating and secure way to conduct transactions.

How does that work?

Palm payment, also known as palm vein recognition, is a biometric technology that allows people to link their bank accounts or mobile payment apps to their own, unique palm vein patterns. It definitely is a secure and  pretty convenient way to make transactions.

The process;

  1. Registration: Person interested in this kind o payment first registers their palm prints with a payment service provider or a bank. During registration, the system captures the unique vein patterns in their palm.
  2. Linking to Bank Account: After registration, user links their palm print data to their bank account or mobile payment app, fox example WeChat Pay (app mostly popular in China) .
  3. Payment Process: To make a payment, user places their palm on a scanning device at a point of sale. The device reads the palm vein pattern and matches it with the user’s linked account.
  4. Secure Transactions: Palm payment is popular for its high level of security. Each person’s palm vein pattern is special, making it almost impossible to copy. This technology eliminates the need for physical cards or cash, enhancing both security and convenience.

The Popularity of Palm Payment in China.

Palm payment technology has quickly gained popularity in China. It’s used in various settings, including retail stores, transportation systems, and even residential complexes;

  1. Convenience: Palm payment offers a swift and easy transaction experience. Users can complete payments in a matter of seconds by simply placing their hand on a scanner.
  2. Security: With its high level of security, palm payment reduces the risk of fraud or identity theft. The technology’s uniqueness results from palm vein patterns, which are nearly impossible to replicate.
  3. Integration: Major mobile payment apps in China, mainly WeChat Pay, have integrated palm payment into their services. This has made it more accessible for most user base.
  4. Diverse Applications: Beyond retail transactions, palm payment is used for access control in residential complexes and as a secure method for boarding public transportation.


In conclusion, as we look into future, the success of palm payment in China gives hope on possibility of contactless payments. It shows the true potential for biometric technologies to change our way of looking at our finances. With each technological phenomenon people are more afraid about security of their financial properties and accounts that can be accessed online. Palm payment is first step into making sure that doesn’t become bigger problem.



Exploring the Future of Payments: WeChat Palm Payment (linkedin.com)

China Introduces Pay with Palm! Watch How It Works | by Parth patil | Medium


Digital Payment Systems: Era of online transactions.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the recent past, paying for goods and services usually involved cash or swiping a card through a terminal. Nowadays, the landscape of financial transactions has gone through a remarkable transformation. Digital payment refers to online transactions without physical cash exchange. It have revolutionized the way we use money, making it more convenient, secure, and efficient than ever before. 

This article examines the evolution and usage of digital payment systems, exploring how they have become a sophisticated tool.

  1. Widespread digitalization. 

In today’s fast-paced world, nobody would doubt that digitalization is everywhere. Our society has become increasingly reliant on digital technology, prioritizing its use above other means of communication and information exchange. Therefore the demand for efficient and secure digital payment options continues to grow.

The global economy has become increasingly digitalized. E-commerce has revolutionized retail, enabling businesses to reach customers in any location they might be, either physically or digitally with the help of the Internet. Cryptocurrencies and digital payment systems have emerged, altering the way we conduct financial transactions. Today we cannot imagine the world without online transactions,  since it became a crucial part of every business.

2. Accessibility and online banking

Online banking and e-commerce platforms allowed consumers to make purchases from the comfort of their homes. Digital payment systems break down geographical barriers and facilitate cross-border transactions. Payment gateways, such as PayPal, emerged, enabling secure online transactions. These developments not only transformed the retail industry but also opened doors for digital-only banks and startups to challenge traditional financial institutions.

Digital payment systems offer convenience. They eliminate the need for physical cash, reduce the reliance on plastic cards, and enable quick and easy transactions through smartphones, tablets, or computers. This convenience has transformed the way consumers and businesses handle financial transactions.

3. Cyber security

The convenience of digital payments often involves the collection and storage of vast amounts of personal and financial data. This raises concerns about data privacy and how this information is used and protected. Therefore the topic of cyber security is so relevant nowadays.

Keeping your money safe when you use digital payments is really important. Digital payment systems use special technologies like secret codes, digital IDs, and unique body features (like your fingerprint or face) to make sure your money is protected. These make digital payments very secure.

As digital payment systems continue to evolve, governments and regulatory bodies must adapt to ensure consumer protection, combat money laundering, and maintain financial stability. Striking the right balance between innovation and regulation is an ongoing challenge.

That is why awareness and consciousness are important both in the real world and in cyberspace. 

4. Environment help. Paperless transaction- key to sustainability.

Finally, with the increasing use of digital payments in our daily lives, we can contribute to protecting the environment. The way we make payments has a hidden benefit for our environment. In the past, when we used cash and paper checks for transactions, it harmed the environment by causing deforestation, using a lot of energy, and creating waste. But now, thanks to digital payments like mobile wallets, credit cards, and digital currencies, we’re making a positive impact on nature.

How does digital payment help?

One big way digital payments help is by reducing the need for paper. We used to rely on paper for things like receipts and checks, which required cutting down trees and using a lot of energy to make the paper. 

Less paper use means fewer harmful emissions that contribute to climate change. Producing, transporting, and disposing of paper-based financial records used to release a lot of greenhouse gases.

Therefore, it is a win-win for convenience and nature.

It can be concluded that customers generally appreciate the variety of payment options available to them. However, there is still room for improvement. Businesses need to take note of the fact that younger generations tend to favor alternative payment methods and expect quick and secure transactions as part of their payment experience.

Sources of information:

Article “Billing and Payment Trends and Behaviors” (Aci WorldWide)

Article “The Evolution of Digital Payments: A Timeline” (OriginStamp)

Article “14 Security Measures You Need To Take When Using Digital Payments” (Forbes)

PopAI (AI Power)

Article “Digital Payments: The Benefits, How To Use Them In Your Business And What To Look For In A Provider” (Forbes).


The Evolution of Cryptocurrency: Impact on Traditional Financial Systems and Global Economy

Reading Time: 2 minutes
The Impact of Crypto Currencies on Developing Countries | by Philipp  Sandner | Medium

In recent years, the rise of cryptocurrency has disrupted the conventional financial landscape, redefining the way we perceive and engage with money. As digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others continue to gain momentum, their impact on traditional financial systems and the global economy is a subject of significant discussion and debate.

Understanding the Impact on Traditional Financial Systems


  1. Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, reducing reliance on traditional financial intermediaries like banks and governments. This offers greater financial inclusivity and autonomy for individuals worldwide.
  2. Efficiency and Speed: Transactions with cryptocurrencies often occur faster and with lower fees compared to traditional banking systems, fostering quicker cross-border transfers and enhanced transactional efficiency.
  3. Security and Transparency: The underlying blockchain technology offers a transparent and secure ledger, decreasing the likelihood of fraud and ensuring the immutability of transactions


  1. Regulatory Uncertainty: The lack of standardized regulations across different jurisdictions poses challenges for wider adoption and can lead to market volatility and uncertainty.
  2. Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are known for their price volatility, which can deter some individuals and institutional investors from embracing them fully.

Impact on the Global Economy


  1. Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies have the potential to provide financial services to the unbanked population globally, granting access to banking, loans, and investments.
  2. Innovation and Technological Advancements: The development of blockchain technology supporting cryptocurrencies fosters innovation in various industries, offering new solutions and business models.
  3. International Transactions: Cryptocurrencies facilitate cross-border transactions with reduced costs and time, potentially reshaping the international trade and remittance landscape.


  1. Environmental Concerns: The energy-intensive mining process for certain cryptocurrencies raises concerns about their environmental impact.
  2. Adoption Barriers: Limited understanding, technological barriers, and trust issues hinder the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.


Cryptocurrency’s impact on traditional financial systems and the global economy is a complex and ongoing process. While it presents several advantages such as decentralization, enhanced security, and potential global financial inclusion, challenges surrounding regulation, volatility, and adoption hurdles persist.

The evolution of cryptocurrencies will likely continue to shape the financial landscape, demanding collaborative efforts between regulators, businesses, and innovators to harness their potential while addressing inherent challenges.

For more in-depth understanding, it’s essential to stay informed and updated as this transformative journey unfolds.


  1. Nakamoto, S. (2008). Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.
  2. Swan, M. (2015). Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy.
  3. Androulaki, E., et al. (2018). Hyperledger Fabric: A Distributed Operating System for Permissioned Blockchains.

Prompt used:

Discuss the Impact of Cryptocurrency on Traditional Financial Systems and Global Economy. Analyze the Advantages and Challenges Presented

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The culture of instant satisfaction: how streaming services have transformed entertainment.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The culture of instant gratification has become deeply ingrained in our daily lives. With one click we can get anything  we want. From ordering food with a few taps on our smartphones to accessing information with a quick internet search, we have become accustomed to having what we want, when we want it. Nevertheless, most of the time it is not what we need. We want to be satisfied all the time, desire to consume content every minute of our lives, and become zombies of our phones. Looks like addiction, right?

So how did it happen? How we did not notice that change? 

In today’s digital age, streaming services have become a huge part of our lives, transforming the way we consume entertainment. With the rise of global digitalization, these platforms have not only changed the entertainment industry but have also created the tools to capture and retain over and over again customer attention.

This article explores the strategies used by streaming services to keep viewers engaged and satisfied.

Accessibility and Convenience

In today’s digital age, the accessibility and convenience offered by streaming services have become integral to our daily lives. Platforms such as Netflix, HBO, and Disney+ have revolutionized the way we access our favorite shows and movies. Viewers can now enjoy their preferred content at their own convenience, eliminating the need for physical media or adhering to scheduled programming. Moreover, these services offer various subscription options to gratify diverse audience. Additionally, features like multiple language options, voice-overs, closed captioning, audio descriptions, and flexible viewing choices have played a crucial role, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. They break down barriers and address the unique needs of viewers while providing cost-effective alternatives and parental controls.

Continuous Release Schedule

Streaming services often release new episodes or seasons of shows on a regular basis, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement among viewers. That is why they are kept engaged and encouraged to come back for more content. “If you’ve felt just slightly overwhelmed by the avalanche of television that was available in 2022, it’s because, in America alone, a whopping 599 original, scripted, English-language series were in production last year.”( According to NEWS24). However, less than 50 years ago there were approximately 80 shows annually.

The Thrill of Uncertainty (Cliff-hangers and open-endings)

Nevertheless, it is an old trick to get people’s attention, cliff-hanger moments and open endings have become powerful tools in storytelling.  These narrative techniques have the ability to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. By leaving crucial questions unanswered or introducing unexpected twists, these narrative devices generate a level of uncertainty that leaves audiences yearning for resolution. Creators can ensure that viewers remain hooked, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in their favorite stories.

Netflix, every show of that has an open ending, uses this technique more often than other services. Firstly, it is made for commercial reasons. That way, in case of a financial breakthrough,  Netflix makes sure that they will be able to continue filming a successful project.

Satisfaction of the customer or «We just gave you what you wanted!».

Have you seen that streaming services in recent years started to produce «new» content, based on old, well-known in some way mainstream films and TV shows (So-called prequels and sequels)? Streaming services, in that case, are playing on a nostalgic feeling and connection to a viewer’s feeling of something familiar. Shows as “House of Dragon” and “The Lord of the Ring: The Rings of Power” just had to receive good reviews and high box office fees.

Personalized Content and Intelligent Music Shuffling

By employing complex algorithms and user preferences, digital platforms have introduced a novel approach to delivering customized suggestions according to individual choices. For instance, Netflix, even before users sign up, invites them to specify their favorite shows and genres. As a result, streaming services have made the process of discovering new content increasingly effortless.

Additionally, the renowned music streaming service Spotify offers a feature known as “smart shuffle,” which aids in identifying music tracks likely to resonate with users based on their previously curated playlists. This ingenious functionality transforms the music listening experience into a more personalized and enjoyable journey.

Furthermore, Spotify enhances user engagement through its “song radio” feature, which compiles playlists of songs similar to the ones users have already expressed a liking for. This intricate process, as alluded to in point 4 of the original article, is rooted in understanding established patterns within our cognitive responses, allowing for the discovery of songs that align closely with individual tastes.


To sum up, what was just said, streaming services play a crucial role in entertainment consumption and reshape the way we engage with television.  It can lead to either positive aspects as accessibility and informational globalization or negative as addictions and unconscious consumption.  

Therefore, we need to be conscious about how and what we consume. Because we might not notice how we have binge-watched a whole 10-hour show in one night.

In addition to the article, I would like to attach the link to video about how streaming services caused the writer’s strike.

Sources of information that are used in the article:


Article “Has Streaming Amplified the Culture of Instant Gratification?”(Rolling Stone Magazine)

Article ” That’s how many scripted TV shows America gave us in 2022 “(NEWS24)

Article “Why You Succumb To Instant Gratification – And The Easiest Way To Make Life Optimizing Choices” (Forbes).

Article “The Psychology of Netflix: How the Streaming Giant Influences Consumer Behavior” (LinkedIn).

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