Tag Archives: implants

Biohacking implanted under their skin implants with LED’s

Reading Time: 2 minutes

American and German biohacking, inspired by the natural phenomenon of luminescence sew under their skin silicone implant with LEDs comprise from magnets. It is reported by Gizmodo.

Pittsburgh group of biohacking Grindhouse Wetware held a 15-minute operation to implant simultaneously with their German team-mates from Dusseldorf. The device is called the Northstar V1 size not larger than a coin – significantly less than the previous version (Circadia 1.0 computer chip).

Video: not for the faint of heart

The implant can simulate bioluminescence and highlight tattoos. If you hold a magnet on the skin, it starts to blink, and after ten seconds, and then returns to sleep mode. According to the calculations of developers before it needs recharging device can light up about ten thousand times. Then it must be recovered by re-operation.


The device goes on sale in 2016. Northstar V1 will distribute in tattoo salons all over the world. Grindhouse Wetware hopes to equip the new versions of the device with additional functions such as transfer sensitive biometric data to external devices as well as to act as a sensor gestures.

Biohacking – a special subculture whose members are engaged in a modification of his body with the help of cybernetic devices. Many biohacking championed transhumanism (Movement for the improvement of human resources in science and technology). “Breaking” of his own body and the implantation of different devices to find biohacking primary means of progress of human existence.


Open discussion

Implants under skin all pros and cons? Would you participate in such experiment? Future of biohacking?

Would it be a profitable business?


Photo credits: Ryan O’Shea / Grindhouse Wetware

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