Tag Archives: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Internet of Things

In today’s world, the term “Internet of Things” (IoT) has become an omnipresent concept. At its core, IoT is a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, enabling the seamless collection and exchange of data. The core focus is on making our devices more intelligent and interconnected, establishing a world in which everyday objects can communicate and collaborate to boost their functionality and efficiency.

What IoT actually is?

IoT involves a system of interconnected computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, or objects that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. In simpler terms, IoT is the idea that everyday devices can connect to the internet and each other, enabling them to work smarter. From thermostats that adjust automatically to your preferred temperature to fridges that remind you to buy milk, IoT aims to make life more convenient.

A Brief History

The Internet of Things (IoT) originated in the early 1980s when a vending machine was connected to the Internet at Carnegie Mellon University. Coined in 1999, the term highlighted the potential of linking everyday objects online. By the early 2000s, technological advancements in wireless tech and miniaturized sensors accelerated IoT’s growth. This birthed smart home devices and expanded IoT’s reach across sectors like healthcare and manufacturing, shaping a future of seamless device communication and transformative impact.

Advantages of IoT

The integration of IoT brings advantages across various domains. One of the key benefits of this innovation is its ability to revolutionize convenience by automating processes and integrating devices, resulting in streamlined tasks. In the context of energy management, IoT plays a pivotal role in optimizing resource utilization, promoting sustainable practices and cost savings across industries like manufacturing. Another advantage is the improved surveillance and real-time monitoring, resulting in enhanced security measures and strengthened safety protocols. Businesses harness the interconnectivity of IoT to drive informed decisions, enhance operations, and deliver customized experiences, fuelling growth and creativity while boosting efficiency and competitiveness..

Disadvantages of IoT

However, IoT also brings some concerns. Privacy issues loom large as data generated by IoT devices becomes a potential target for breaches. Cyber vulnerabilities pose risks, raising debates about the balance between convenience and safeguarding sensitive information. Moreover, there is a growing concern about excessive dependence on technology, leading to conversations about the importance of human involvement and its consequences..

IoT in Smart Homes

The integration of IoT in smart homes ushers in a transformative paradigm. Picture a scenario where devices seamlessly interact—smart refrigerators not only manage groceries but also collaborate with online stores, autonomously placing orders as supplies diminish. This interconnectedness of IoT devices augurs unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and personalized experiences.

IoT in E-commerce

In the realm of e-commerce, IoT is reshaping business-consumer interactions. IoT-enabled devices detect low supplies and autonomously initiate orders. Retailers leverage real-time data for personalized recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction. The integration of IoT simplifies transactions, offering consumers enhanced convenience and efficiency in their shopping experiences.


The discourse surrounding IoT often revolves around the balance between convenience and potential risks. While proponents emphasize the unparalleled ease and efficiency IoT brings, critics raise poignant concerns about privacy invasion and interconnected devices’ inherent vulnerabilities. Striking a balance between these viewpoints necessitates stringent regulations to mitigate risks while harnessing IoT’s potential. In addition, there is a pressing concern about the potential over-dependence on technology, giving rise to discussions about the essential role of human involvement and its effects. As these technologies continue to intertwine, ensuring data security and privacy becomes crucial, despite the promised convenience and efficiency. IoT’s progress reflects its diverse capabilities, demanding a mindful fusion of innovation and ethical factors to define this interconnected environment.


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EU encourages people to use Internet of Things as a tool for smaller energy consumption

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Internet of thing has already become a part of ordinary household in many countries. We use online assistant devices – such as Alexa, Google or Siri, we have washing machines which we can control through mobile device or we can start to cook dinner in the oven when we are on our way home. In these cases, the usage of Internet of Things is up to every individual, but in the next few years, every household should have device running online, which will help them to be more energy efficient.

European Union is trying to set some rules in order to be more energy efficient and be more eco-friendly to our planet. For that, they are counting also on Internet of things which should be used in gathering information about consumption of households in every country belonging to EU.

Directive 2018/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council is editing the directive on energy efficiency 2012/27/EU, which concentrates on more ecological actions of countries in EU. The most current topic is reducing final consumption of heat and hot water of each facility. The goal of this directive is to ensure that the owner or tenant of a property will monthly (in Czech Republic it is now only once a year or every 4 months) receive detailed billing of their consumption of electricity and hot water. As a result, the owner or tenant can adapt their consumption according to their monthly billing.

This billing should be consisted of:

  • Price and actual consumption of energies
  • Comparison with previous month consumption
  • Comparison with standardized consumer
  • Composition of energy sources

For this reason, everywhere in Czech Republic, starting from the 1.1. 2027 there must be installed only electro meters which will be possible to read (count down) remotely. People can choose from 2 variations – “walk-by” systems for which a person must come nearby to the meter, or systems on the base of Internet of Things which automatically download the data and send it every month to the administrator. “Walk-by” systems have cheaper starting investment, but in long term, they are more expensive because of not automatic count down. That will mean that nearly every property in Czech (and hopefully EU) will have, by the year 2027, installed IoT device.


ŠVARCOVÁ, Hana. Nové předpisy ke snížení energetické náročnosti bytového družstva: Prezentace. Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu. 2020. Dostupné také z: https://www.dumplnyuspor.cz/bd/webinar-nove-predpisy-ke-snizeni-energeticke-narocnosti-bytovych-domu/

Praktický rádce pro SVJ: Vznikne povinnost dálkově odečítat bytová měřidla a častější vyúčtování nákladů na teplo a teplou vodu podle směrnice EU? [online]. [cit. 2020-12-31]. Dostupné z: https://www.radceprosvj.cz/nove-clanky/povinnost-dalkovych-odectu-vodomeru-indikatoru/

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