Tag Archives: moon

Beyond Boundaries: The New Moon Rush is Coming with the Launch of a Lunar Economy

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Since the Apollo era, the moon has remained a symbol of untapped potential and a gateway to new frontiers. Recent developments in space exploration, driven by both governmental and private initiatives, a combination of scientific curiosity, and the pursuit of potential economic opportunities, have reignited the passion for lunar missions once again. The prospect of returning to the moon, not as a mere visit but as a sustainable economic endeavor, has sparked a wave of innovative ideas and bold aspirations leading to a so-called Moon rush. So let’s look deeper into the topic.

Evolution of the Lunar Economy Since the Apollo Era

“Right now, the Moon is the target of more missions than at any time since the Apollo era – over the next 10 years, 400 missions are projected,” said Jim Free, the associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

The Apollo missions of the late 1960s and early 1970s represented the first and only time that humans have set foot on the lunar surface. However, as the result of the Apollo program, the focus of space exploration was shifted to low Earth orbit and beyond.

The concept of a lunar economy, centered around the utilization of lunar resources for scientific, commercial, and exploratory purposes, began to gain traction only in the early 21st century. This shift in focus was driven by a growing recognition of the Moon’s potential as a platform for supporting future space missions, including those aimed at Mars and beyond. Additionally, advancements in robotics, additive manufacturing, and in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) technologies have bolstered the prospects of establishing a sustained human presence on the Moon.

NASA’s Plans and Involvement in the Lunar Economy

“Building the foundations of a lunar economy for returning to the Moon are really rooted in what NASA has always done,” said Jim Free in his interview with FT.

Artemis Mission Phases - Explore Deep Space

As a key player in space exploration and scientific research, NASA plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the lunar economy. In recent years, NASA has outlined ambitious plans for returning humans to the Moon under the Artemis program, which aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the lunar surface by the end of the decade. Central to NASA’s vision for the Artemis program is the Lunar Gateway, a space station that will orbit the Moon and serve as a staging point for lunar missions, as well as a hub for scientific research and international collaboration.

However NASA’s involvement in the lunar economy extends beyond the Artemis program, encompassing a broad range of initiatives aimed at unlocking the potential of lunar resources and advancing the frontiers of space exploration, as they said that they see the Moon adaptation as a training ground for living and working on Mars.

Additionally, NASA is turning to the private sector to help cut the cost of its mission. Instead of concentrating on building a rocket, it wants to buy a ride from companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin. This is one of the fundamental differences from the Apollo era. It means that others could use those services, too. Therefore, NASA’s collaboration with international partners, commercial entities, and academic institutions underscores the agency’s commitment to fostering a vibrant lunar economy that transcends national boundaries and harnesses the collective expertise and resources of the global space community.

Viability of the Lunar Economy and Potential Challenges

The Value of a Lunar Economy Explained - Via Satellite

The prospect of establishing a sustainable lunar economy holds immense promise for advancing the frontiers of space exploration and resource utilization. However, it is essential to critically examine its viability and consider the potential challenges that may impede its realization.

Several factors contribute to the potential success of the lunar economy, including the abundance of lunar resources, the strategic significance of the Moon as a platform for deep space exploration, and the advancements in technology that enable the utilization of lunar resources for scientific, commercial, and exploratory purposes. Additionally, a significant role in the lunar economy’s viability plays the presence of water ice and other volatiles in permanently shadowed regions of the Moon, which can be extracted and utilized for supporting human missions, generating propellant, and sustaining life on the lunar surface. The availability of these resources holds significant implications for reducing the cost and complexity of deep space missions, as well as enabling the establishment of a sustained human presence on the Moon.

While the prospects of the lunar economy are promising, several challenges must be addressed to realize its full potential. These challenges include the technical, logistical, and economic complexities inherent in establishing and maintaining a robust lunar infrastructure, as well as the imperative of addressing environmental and ethical considerations associated with lunar resource utilization.

Conclusion: personal opinion, the Promise of a Sustainable Lunar Economy

As we stand on the threshold of a new era in space exploration, the promise of a sustainable lunar economy beckons with boundless potential and transformative opportunities. The resurgence of interest in lunar missions, fueled by the vision of returning to the moon not as a mere destination but as a sustainable platform for scientific discovery, resource utilization, and human habitation, heralds a paradigm shift in our relationship with the cosmos.

The viability of the lunar economy, while accompanied by formidable challenges, in my opinion, still holds a great chance of success, as all of those challenges could be solved, and the factors of success definitely outweigh them. However I hold a sceptical opinion on the idea of whether it will really happen in the near future, as we always heard about companies’ ambitious goals connected with the space and lunar exploration and most often it were just the words only; So whether it will really come into action is still under a question. Thus, the pursuit of a sustainable lunar economy is not merely a scientific or economic endeavor; it is a testament to our enduring spirit of exploration, our capacity for ingenuity, and our responsibility to chart a course toward a future that extends beyond the boundaries of our capabilities. So, let’s wait and see what the new Moon rush will bring to us.

What is your opinion on the new lunar economy? Do you think it may really come to life?


  1. https://www.economist.com/briefing/2023/09/27/how-microsoft-could-supplant-apple-as-the-worlds-most-valuable-firm (the news were the idea was taken from)
  2. https://www.economist.com/science-and-technology/2023/08/16/a-pair-of-indian-and-russian-probes-approach-the-moon (the news which also gave the reason to write about Moon rush)
  3. https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/ (NASA’s Artemis project for exploration of the lunar surface, connected with the idea of lunar economy)
  4. https://www.nasa.gov/humans-in-space/growing-the-lunar-economy/ (NASA’s article on growing lunar economy and how it will look like)
  5. https://youtu.be/B2-8wrF9Okc?si=PgiOqOw7e-Im9txl (Microsoft’s own video presentation of the product) (video about NASA’s collaboration with SpaceX which was mentioned)

AI generators used:

  1. ChatSonic (key words: lunar economy, new moon rush, success and failure, NASA)
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Scientists have discovered an ocean on Saturn’s moon

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A scientific team from the Southwestern Research Institute in Texas have reported that there is a liquid ocean under the ice of Saturn’s moon Mimas. Previously, scientists believed that the satellite consists entirely of frozen water.

The Cassini space probe in the last days of its work recorded fluctuations in the rotation of Mimas. Usually, these phenomena indicate the geological activity of the body, which is able to maintain the internal ocean in a liquid state.

Ice moon geophysicist and lead author of the study, Dr. Alyssa Rhodes, said the surface of the moon does not betray the presence of an ocean underneath. She says it could be classified as a new type of ocean world.

In the solar system, there are bodies where the oceans are hidden under ice and rocks, for example, on the satellites Titan, Europa and Enceladus, as well as the planetoid Pluto. The Earth must be within a narrow range of distance from the Sun in order to keep the oceans liquid. However, the listed objects are in a wider range of distances.

Previously, scientists believed that Mimas was entirely made of ice, as craters on its surface indicated this. Enceladus and Europa are devoid of such depressions, they have cracks and other evidence of geological activity. The observation broadens the definition of potentially habitable worlds within the solar system and beyond, Rhodes notes.

The scientists concluded that tidal heating in the interior of Mimas must be high enough to keep the liquid from freezing, but still leave a sizable shell of ice that spans between 22.5 and 32.1 km.

Rhoden says the results of the study show the presence of an ocean on Saturn’s moon, but it is still difficult for scientists to reconcile the orbital and geological characteristics of Mimas with current understanding of its thermal and orbital evolution.

The researcher explains that this discovery will help to better understand the nature of the rings of Saturn and its satellites, as well as in the search for potentially habitable sea satellites, such as Uranus. Scientists promise to continue research on Mimas.




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More than moon power!

Reading Time: 2 minutesSolar panels have been around for a long time. Solar energy theory has been around since the 1800’s but the one of the first silicon based panels came out in the 1940’s, that was invented by Russell Ohl back in 1941. However it has a less than 1% efficiency.

This brings us to the present, we have tried so many different ways and configurations to get energy from the sun and to convert it into usable work. The main problem with solar panels is heat. Ironically the brighter the sun the more energy you get, however, the brighter the sun the hotter the panels get and this leads to a higher ohm resistance in the panel itself which means a reduced efficiency.

Enter the British company RawLemon. They have invented an orb that works similar to a Fresnel Lens. This clear water filled orb is able to concentrate the sun, with the help of a solar tracking device, and then create useful work from the concentrated solar rays. This orb is so good at concentrating light that it can even generate electricity from moonlight!

RawLemon sucking up moonlight, from IndieGoGo

RawLemon was able to make some smaller versions of the devise and they collected over 150% of their crowdfunding goal raising a total of $233,062 IndieGoGo. Unfortunately their website is getting “an upgrade” so you can’t purchase anything from them at the moment.

Rawlemon in the daytime.

Now let us move on to something that has a bit of controversy behind it. The V3Solar Cone.

The company claims that with this special design they are able to be at least 20 times more efficient than a traditional flat solar panel. As I mentioned before the hotter a panel gets the more inefficient the panel becomes. V3 gets around this because the solar panel is always spinning at the optimal speed. This allows, in theory, the panels to be exposed to sunlight just long enough for proper energy exposure but also the ability to cool down as it spins away from the sun as a “fresh” solar panel is brought around back to the direct sunlight.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQYXvNC5tpk]

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