Tag Archives: motivation

Inspiration & Motivation in new tab of your browser

Reading Time: 4 minutes

For many of us, the browser has already become the main working tool, and it has its advantages and disadvantages. We can work on any computer from anywhere, but we have to fight with a lot of distractions. So this article will tell you how to counter them (I mean distractions) without losing motivation and inspiration, with extensions for Google Chrome.

  • Momentum

momentum extension

Momentum refers to you by name and makes a new tab in a beautiful start screen with useful information such as weather and time, flavored motivating quote. From here there is an additional list, search and quick links that can be configured to access the necessary resources (just do not add to Facebook).

Momentum Extension





  • Motivation

chrome-motivation-procrastinateThis extension will ask your date of birth and turn the browser into the unforgiving timer showing your age in years up to 0.000000001. When looking at a flying time lost all desire to wast
e it!







  • Mortality

Mortality Chrome ExtensionAnother strong expansion that’s great motivation for action. As Motivation, Mortality shows the timer counting your years with millisecond precision, and even displays the living and the remaining time (based on the average life expectancy of 80 years). Each circle is equal to the month of life. Mortality








  • Dayboard

unnamedThis extension will replace your calendar, day planner with important tasks. Being accepted for the job, you add to the list of five cases scheduled for today, and see them every time you open a new tab. What can bring a greater sense of satisfaction than a tick, standing next to the task execution?








  • Be Limitless

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAKcAAAAJDE4NTQwYTdiLWQxMGMtNGEzZC1hYWI3LTJjYWJmOTE2MWNkZQBe Limitless also invites us to set goals: the first – for a day, the second – the long-term. But this expansion does not stop and analyze how much time you spend on various sites, palming you these statistics when you open the tab. In addition, there are more and quick notes.

Be Limitless







  • Random Quote

a-random-quote-visible-in-new-tab-of-Google-ChromeIf you prefer using motivating quotes, then you’ll love Random Quote. Extension shows you a beautiful quote famous people, furnished in a minimalist style. However, in English, but this fact also can be used as motivation for language learning.

Random Quote









  • Dream Afar

2015-04-30-dream-afarDream Afar is not motivates it’s inspires, which is also important. Every time you open a new tab, you will enjoy the scenery of one of the most beautiful corners of our planet, and perhaps even work harder to save up for a new journey. In addition to a beautiful picture on the screen and there was a place to find, watch, weather, history, bookmarks and applications.

Dream Afar







  • Google Art Project

17594137555_0590480ce5_cArtworks inspired by no less spectacular scenery. Thanks to Google and various galleries joint project around the world, you have the opportunity to admire paintings by famous artists in new tabs. For cases where you do not want to admire, there is a button with a list of frequently visited sites to quickly jump to the right.

Google Art Project







  • Delight

unnamed-2Pictures talented photographers – it’s great, but the video looks much more spectacular, agree. With Delight your surfing will begin with a fascinating taymlapsa some beautiful places. If you need the weather, bookmarks or apps – they are also close at hand.



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