How many times have you been writing something on your tablet or your phone and the keyboard on the screen was too small or too big for you? Or maybe it was just inconvenient? With this new app called Selfie Type made by Samsung, it won’t be a problem anymore.
How is the app working?
The app “delivers a virtual keyboard to users with the help of an AI algorithm and a front-facing camera”. With this technology you are typing on a virtual keyboard wherever you are and whenever you want. For example, you are in a coffee shop and you need to answer an important e-mail. It couldn’t be easier! You use a virtual keyboard and you don’t have to deal with this small one on your phone.
The video will be the best explanation of this new technology:
Selfie Type was shown at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) 2020 which took place at the beginning of January. “It is expected to be launched in 2020” but there is no other information about the exact date.
It is definitely something new on the market but is it going to be useful for everyone or just a small bunch of people? Not everyone can type without looking on the keyboard so will it be easy for them? Will they handle the keyboard without it actually being shown?
Let me know in the comments what do you think about this idea!