Netflix is one of the oldest streaming platform on the market. It attracted its customers with unlimited content whenever and wherever without the adds like regular television have. High quality content and wide range of titles available made company unbeatably the most known for a very long time. Corporation announced that by November they will add fourth, cheaper subscription option containing advertisements. Lack of those was the reason why people signed up in the first place. How does the future looks like for Netflix?
Even though Disney+ made its entrance to the market in 2019 other streaming platforms maintained their clients as thousands of people started their journey with broadcasting services during lockdown. Now when everything is coming back to normal they don’t have time to sit on a couch and watch movies all day, so they cancel many subscriptions and hold on to only few, the most entertaining ones. Statistic shows that Netflix is not one of them as they’re loosing more and more customers. It reached its peak in 2021 but in this year number of clients decreases. Why?
Mostly because Netflix’s content is simply no longer good. For past few years platform is mostly based on its original content, which, in many cases is very predictable and similar to each other. Even if something is more interesting it does not get renewed after one or two seasons. They don’t provide as much new movies, and the ones that already were on platform disappear in order to appear on other broadcasting services. Not to mention the fact, that Netflix is the most expensive streaming platform among its competition. The same old titles, disappointing new ones and high price makes obvious choice of which subscription to cancel.
Yet company does not give up. Reed Hastings revealed, that new created payment plan will cost only $6.99 but it will contain around five minutes of adds per one hour of watching. In that case scenario Netflix will come close to regular TV program. That solution will not attract a lot of new customers. More likely people that already pay monthly subscription will just change plan for cheaper. Part of them might’ve wanted to cancel payment completely, but some might have not even planned this as just an opportunity to save money appeared. However it is expected for Netflix to earn about $3 billion in 2026 just for advertising. That does not look like drop of incomes at all.
Even though forecasting for Netflix looks bright many people are bored of its content. So if in the future company will base on money from adds and not the customers public opinion of the platform might get lower and lower. It will lead to more people cancelling subscriptions. Unless Are we going to witness yet another great company’s fall? Because who will pay for advertising their product, if nobody will watch it.