Monthly Archives: March 2022

Millennials invented communism

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The title was my first thought when I started my research about the sharing economy. The concept of it is so easy that it seems to be even obvious : you own a thing (car, cake recipe, room)  that you do not currently need, so you lend it to someone else in exchange for money (using third parties, like Uber or Airbnb). To be honest, it is too simplified, but the main point is the same. The purpose of this article is to clarify whether the title’s statement is true or not. Also, the professor has told us that it is supposed to be witty, so be ready for stupid jokes. 

Let’s see what we can find in common of sharing and collaborative economy  – people share things ( goods and services); environmental benefits of non- over consuming, higher level of tight communication between communities, central control and decreased competition. I would like to extend my thoughts about some of these points. Thus, we receive environmental benefits when we decrease the need of owning things for every person, as a result we make the demand of its production much lower and some factories might be closed or reduce their working hours. Besides, we observe  the slap in the capitalistic face, because this also means that my ( me as an average citizen)  productivity will also be decreased a little bit, as I do not see the point of buying some expensive goods as car or university degree, so I can work less and do not have long term savings. Nevertheless, I personally do not consider it to be a negative phenomenon because in the long term perspective it might change values of our society. As a result, one day people may catch a thought that they exist not only to work to get a lot of money and consume everything they can see.  

Overall, the previous paragraph, which I wrote a day ago and now trying to understand what it was about, explains the positive influence of the sharing economy as a part of a collaborative one. Now I would like to write about their differences and negative consequences.  First of all, these two both have centralized hierarchy. Let me clarify, now we are talking about a sharing economy and not peer-to-peer one. So, what it means for us, as the participants of market relations. It leads to lack of control at the low parts of organizations. For instance, CEO of Uber has no idea what their freshman driver is up to – he is rapist, serial killer or worse – he has a horrible music taste and likes talking during the road. Additionally, the core difference between sharing and collaborative economies is hiding here. This centralized hierarchy shows us that the sharing economy is much closer to capitalism than it might seem at first, because in the end the drivers actually have low salaries and only people at the highest positions receive all the money. Of course, Uber helps them to find clients, but this scam still being unfair and rich people try to pay their workers as low as possible. 

There is one more difference that proves us that the sharing economy is a child of McDonald’s and Zara. The main point of collaborative economy is that everyone owns approximately the same amount of assets, but sharing economy shows that rich people on Airbnb rent their apartments (they them own) to other people ( who do not actually own it) . It is especially highlighted in today’s realities, because there a lot of flat owners who raised the month rent to unbelievable prices to cash in on Ukrainian refugees.  

To sum up, sharing economy is a nice invention from some points of view, but most likely it is not going to change society in a better way, but probably will help rich people to pay less and earn more. Answering the main question, sharing economy is too far from collaborative economy, so the title was just a clickbait, sorry guys. 


The Politics of the Sharing Economy

Inscriptions meet AI

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Deep neural networks are increasingly used among different industries. However, apart from popular domains like finance or marketing, the usage of artificial intelligence can also greatly help for example historians. And now they do have their own tool.


In general we do not think that ancient Greek inscriptions would be in any kind of interesting area of artificial intelligence usage. On contrary, the field of epigraphy seems to be the domain of historians and other scholars. Now there seems to be a complete change of situation in this industry. The tool, which is called “Ithaca”, is made by Google DeepMind. It can successfully perform a range of activities. The main task of the system is text restoration. What is more, identifying the geographic location and time with the date of the construction are definitely game-changing for historians. The number of possibilities to gain new knowledge from this tool is extraordinary. Ithaca is based on a previous tool which was called Pythia. The new system accuracy is 62 percent compared to 25 percent for people working alone. The accuracy ranges even up to 72 percent when the tool and scholars work together. Finally, it is said that Ithaca can be easily modified to work with different ancient scripts, making it a versatile system.

Ancient inscription

The process of making

The first tool – Pythia, was trained on an enormous dataset of 35 000 inscriptions. In addition, there were used 3 million words from that period of history. Pythia in general was suggesting the possible option of text understanding and filling. It was very much relying on cooperation with the historians. The Ithaca presents higher accuracy and additional features of the suggested time and place from which the text comes. It was trained on more than 78 000 inscriptions combined with descriptions about origin date and location.


Overall potential of Ithaca in ancient text restoration is very high. This process done only by human is time and effort consuming, now it can be changed. Furthermore, the information about when and where the text was written is crucial to expand the current state of knowledge rapidly. For now, it is not clear how fast it will be adopted and used across different teams of scholars, but the tool is promising. It could greatly speed up the research about the ancient periods of history. What is more, if it would be truly versatile many regions of the world could also learn more about their history. The system is available online for everyone to try. In the current state, the best usage of Ithaca is the close cooperation with professional historians. Lastly Ithaca should continue to be developed for higher accuracy and new features. It seems that even not obvious industries can benefit a lot from the artificial intelligence tools offered by today’s technology.



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Scientists in Australia from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology have found a way to regrow human bones by firing high-frequency sound waves at the stem cells, this is a potential breakthrough in regenerative medicine.

It is claimed to be more faster, more efficient, and cheaper than existing experimental methods of regrowing bone using stem cells extracted from bone marrow, and often a painful and invasive process.

Coauthor and MRIT professor Leslie Yeo stated that:“Our device is cheap and simple to use, so could easily be upscaled for treating large numbers of cells simultaneously — vital for effective tissue engineering,”

“The sound waves cut the treatment time usually required to get stem cells to begin to turn into bone cells by several days,” said Gelmi, a Vice-Chancellor’s Research Fellow at RMIT. “This method also doesn’t require any special ‘bone-inducing’ drugs and it’s very easy to apply to the stem cells. Our study found this new approach has strong potential to be used for treating the stem cells before we either coat them onto an implant or inject them directly into the body for tissue engineering.”

Credit: RMIT University

How does it work?

They first take some cells from the patient and then convert them to stem cells and inject them back into the patient. Just after 10 minutes of sounds for 5 days the stem cells start to convert into bone cells and regrow the bone. The device uses sound waves to apply just the right amount of pressure in the right places to the stem cells so that it triggers the change process.


However, not everything is perfect as the team has a massive challenge to overcome. They need to scale up the platform massively for medical use. Though the future is definitely looking bright!


Apple Expected To Launch Low-Cost iPhone During Its ‘Peek Performance’ Event

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Apple Event On 8 March 2022 These Products Are Expected To Be Launched During  Apple Peek Performance Event

The success of the Apple brand can be attributed to its unique marketing and communication strategy with the public. Annual events conducted by Apple never fail to attract potential clients and turn them into regular customers. This time around, it is going to be no different during the upcoming Peek Performance event on March 8. The word on the street is that a new low-cost iPhone with 5G functionality could be unveiled during the event. The iPhone will also have a fingerprint reader, industry analysts believe. A midrange iPad is also in the pipeline. It is going to be an ‘updated’ version of the iPad Air which was last updated in October 2020 and currently retails for $599. During it’s spring launch event last year, Apple announced advanced MacBook Pro laptops powered by the all-new M1 chips. Apple is not as concerned about it’s low-cost device launches, rather is focusing more on its ‘traditional’ fall launches. According to media reports, Apple will hold a livestream on its official YouTube channel and the company website allowing fans and the general public to watch the ‘Peek Performance’ event on the 8th of March. It has also been prophesied that the tech giant would release iOS 15.4 which is considered to be the latest version of iPhone software with plenty of new features such as application of facial recognition to unlock the device while wearing a mask, the opportunity to accept contactless credit card payments without additional hardware. Founded almost half a century ago by Steve Jobs, Apple has become a global tech behemoth. With its ability to generate massive economic profits and lead trends throughout the tech industry, its success has established a mark not only among its customers, but also among those who have never used Apple products.
