Tag Archives: online marketing

The Power of Digital Echo Chambers: How Online Recommendations Shape Our Perspectives

Reading Time: 4 minutes

In the digital age, the way we perceive the world and consume information is increasingly influenced by algorithms that curate content tailored to our preferences. One prominent aspect of this algorithmic influence is the recommendation engines on platforms like Amazon, Netflix, and various social media channels. These algorithms not only suggest products, movies, or books but, perhaps more significantly, play a crucial role in shaping our thoughts and outlook on various subjects.

The Echo Chamber Effect

Consider the ubiquitous book recommendations on Amazon. When the platform suggests titles based on your past purchases and browsing history, it creates a personalized bubble of content. While the intention is to enhance user experience and offer relevant suggestions, the consequence is the formation of a digital echo chamber. Users are exposed to a limited range of ideas and perspectives, reinforcing pre-existing beliefs and preferences. Over time, this can lead to a narrowing of viewpoints and a subtle entrenchment in a particular ideological space.


A recent study by AI Forensics and Check First, as highlighted in Le Monde, delves into the intricate workings of Amazon’s recommendation algorithm, revealing its not only profound influence on book sales but also its role in shaping public discourse. The researchers emphasize that Amazon’s algorithm not only promotes misleading books on critical societal topics such as health, immigration, climate change, and gender but also ensnares users in these narratives. The study, focused on the French and Belgian versions of Amazon’s bookstore, discloses that for 71.7% of Amazon France’s search results with the term “Covid,” associated queries contain books from authors known for spreading misinformation. With 181 million users in the European Union alone, the potential impact of such risks raises disproportionate concerns. This revelation underscores the critical need for a nuanced understanding of recommendation algorithms, especially considering their ability to shape perspectives and opinions in an increasingly interconnected world.

The Influence of Social Validation

The power of recommendations extends beyond algorithms. Influencer marketing, a thriving phenomenon in the digital realm, amplifies the impact of suggestions. Companies strategically partner with influencers whose opinions hold sway over their followers. These influencers, whether in the realm of beauty, fashion, or technology, effectively become tastemakers. When an influencer endorses a product or idea, their audience often perceives it as a form of social validation. This creates a ripple effect, with followers adopting the recommended products or viewpoints as a means of aligning with their chosen influencer’s identity.

Influencer Marketing

Take, for instance, the fashion industry, where influencers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube play a pivotal role. When a popular fashion influencer raves about a particular product, their audience is likely to trust the recommendation and buy it. This not only drives sales for the brand but also establishes a collective perception of the product’s efficacy within the influencer’s community.


Fashion Nova, a popular fast-fashion retailer based in Los Angeles, has become known for its strategic and successful use of influencer marketing. The brand collaborates with a wide range of influencers, including celebrities, social media personalities, and fashion bloggers, to promote and showcase their clothing products.

One of Fashion Nova’s notable collaborations was with Cardi B, a Grammy-winning rapper and influential figure in the fashion world. Cardi B, known for her bold and trendy style, frequently wears Fashion Nova outfits and shares them with her massive following on Instagram. Her authentic and enthusiastic endorsement of Fashion Nova has played a significant role in driving the brand’s popularity and sales.

In addition to collaborating with influencers, Fashion Nova actively encourages their customers to become micro-influencers by tagging the brand in their outfit posts and using specific hashtags. This approach not only fosters a sense of community but also amplifies the brand’s reach and social proof. It allows potential customers to see real people wearing and enjoying Fashion Nova clothing, influencing their perception and desire to engage with the brand.


Nike’s collaboration with basketball superstar LeBron James exemplifies the power of online recommendations and influencer marketing. By partnering with James, Nike focused on his popularity and influence to shape consumer perspectives and drive sales. Through advertisements and engaging campaigns, Nike positioned their basketball shoe line as the ultimate choice for fans and aspiring players, utilizing James’ endorsement as a seal of approval. This collaboration extended to digital platforms, leveraging James’ massive following to amplify brand messaging and spark desire for Nike’s products. The success of this partnership demonstrates the transformative impact that strategic influencer collaborations can have on consumer behavior, highlighting the significance of online recommendations and influencer marketing in shaping perspectives and enhancing brand influence.

Breaking the Echo Chamber

While recommendations and influencer marketing undoubtedly play a substantial role in shaping our perspectives, it’s essential to recognize the potential pitfalls of these digital echo chambers. Actively seeking diverse sources of information, engaging with content outside our comfort zones, and being aware of the algorithms at play can help break free from the confines of personalized recommendations.


In our digital journey, we must be aware of the influence that recommendations and influencer marketing can have on our thoughts and perceptions. By delving into the intricacies of these algorithms and their impact, we can approach digital content with discernment and cultivate a more open-minded perspective in our ever-connected world. 







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How to advertise your business differently

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe all are creative. Why? Just because without creativity it is almost impossible to establish  a business. In the world of the cut-throat competition thinking outside of the box is essential.

Lots of you have hobbies or even already jobs. Or in planning to launch its own brand or to commercialize finally what you are doing. But did you think how to advertise your business properly? And it is not about Facebook Ads Manager and billboards.

Kavyar – it is the platform with lots of magazines that provide the opportunities to advertise your business. Here I need to mention that this platform is relevant only for those who have its own magazines, brands, online businesses where is possible to put an advertisement, or you are a photographer, makeup artist, stylist, model, the CEO of model agency, the CEO of production agency or you are a producer of campaigns. It is all about creative people or owners of fashion and advertising businesses.

What does «Kavyar» provide?

  1. A huge range of magazines to be published in. Let’s consider, that I’m an owner of the newly born fashion clothing brand. Then I invite a producer and discuss with him or her an upcoming campaign. Then producer gathers the whole team of photographer, makeup artist etc. Then we conduct a successful campaign. Then, how to advertise? As the owner of the newly born brand, definitely I don’t have a huge team with marketing specialist, for example. But I know about this platform. Here we go: just to choose the magazine that is appropriate for your campaign (style). But the most tricky thing here is that not all submissions can be accepted. There you may see paid and free options. Even if you pay for the advertisement in the printed or digital magazine, there is no guarantee that your submission will be accepted. If not, you will get the full refund. After paid option you will get the feedback as soon as possible, after free submission you should wait some days or weeks to get the answer if your submission is accepted.
  2. Motivation. To be published in magazine can be beneficial even for the manager or for the CEO. However, to achieve this goal you have to have really qualitative content. If your campaign is done with professional tram, editors of the magazines will definitely accept you.
  3. Feedback. The only one source of improvement. Here you can find your favorite magazine and ask for the feedback on your portfolio or campaign. This option is always must be paid, however, the price of it usually less than 20$. Little price, but huge development. Just submit, and editors will assess your work carefully and strictly.
  4. Portfolio. When customer sees that your brand is published in magazines or it is just your service, he or she will definitely identify you as a stylish brand or as an expertise.
  5. Recognition.
  6. Possibility of being caught by more successful brands that can offer you a collaboration.
  7. Low prices for the huge improvement. Here everything depends on the brand name of the magazine, that’s why prices are different. You can pay nothing and be accepted or you can pay 60-350$ for the guaranteed submission. To come back to the 1 point, if magazine doesn’t like your campaign, it will not be accepted even if you pay, however if they like it, you will be calmer by faster response. It is also business for them. At the very beginning we don’t have finances for ads in «Vogue», but we need to create a BRAND, and this platform is the best solution.
  8. Strict deadline. You can improve time management skills.
  9. Advertisement. Lots of people who buy these magazines or just watch them online will see your brand name.

Usually you have to wait till the approval from the magazines for weeks or even months at best. At worst they just don’t answer you. And you never know when is a deadline or what is the topic of an upcoming issue. With «Kavyar» it works differently.

From the point of view of the business, owners of the Kavyar gave an opportunity to the magazines to earn money. So they established connections with their editors and offered such a possibility to be at this platform, but to take the commission. Kavyar gathers all the data as well as magazines: pictures, interviews, gmails, team credits, instagrams and payment credits as well. Magazines earn, platform earns and customers get what they want afterwards : recognition, good portfolio, consequently, they attract new customers.

Thats the aim of the platform.

Try to find more creative approach from the marketing perspective, it is highly appreciated in the world nowadays. 


  1. https://kavyar.com/get-published
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iBrw7cKvhc
  3. https://retouchingacademy.com/kavyar-takes-the-fuss-out-of-magazine-submissions/
  4. https://nextcorps.org/project/kavyar/
    Here you can see how platform works in practice:
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Meat Processing Plant “Dymkov” declared wanted a pack of sausages

Reading Time: 2 minutesOn December 8 in social networks have become huge hit based on two photos of “Dymkov“. In a pack, visually designed for 10 sausages lying only eight, and two were attached to the side. In the company explained the alleged marketing gimmick standard packaging.

The pictures were published on Twitter and drew attention to the non-standard action. According to the packaging, the producer of meat products offered two sausages for free in addition to eight.



Photo of package of “Dymkov” widely dispersed on the internet and people wondered why the manufacturer did not just put ten sausages in one pack, and suggested that the two sausages just shifted to another compartment.

December 9 representatives of the company commented on the action in their own Facebook, reacted to post the user A.Alex post on social network with sensational meme with Travolta.




According to employees of “Dymkov”, originally in 454-gram packs and sold eight sausages, although the standard package can accommodate up to ten.

There are many unresolved questions of mankind: it was first the chicken or the egg, who built the Egyptian pyramids, and so on. Today Anastasia Alex added another question to the world treasury of mysteries: what happened to two more sausages?

Fortunately though here we can help! The secret is that the two sausages, almost the international wanted list, had never been in any pack weighing 464 grams. The standard package we put eight sausages to the promo and added two more pieces in a gift. To the doubters we declare superkonkurs! Let us give a year’s supply of sausages to the person who finds the whole pack “Dairy Standard 464g” with ten sausages without action!

The company assured users that shares involved and packaging with ten dogs, but more weight: “The smallest, at 464 grams, just become a victim of your powers of observation.”

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Would it be a trend in 2016 ?

Reading Time: 3 minutesIn the world of web design life does not stand still. New ideas, techniques, tools and approaches appear almost every day. In web design, as well as in any other sphere of activity – for those interested in the subject and intends to understand it, you need to keep an eye on and watch what happens.

Personally, I think that “trending” of web design is very interesting as for well known designers as for new entrepreneurs. The goal of this article is to offer not only the designer of sites, but also the most modern patterns, each one of you could easily make a beautiful and professional site a trendy solution.

2015 gradually coming to an end, so let’s talk about what will be important in the near future. 

Good news

Text + Graphics = Love

Prepare to be that designers will use a text made up of graphic elements, images, textures and geometric shapes. Typography has always been considered an important part of web design, and with the growth of the technical capabilities of its role will only increase.

Web design: customer-oriented

To make a good site, you need to understand what the audience wants. The idea is not new, but are beginning to discuss it very deeply and seriously only now. The point is that the designer should provide the client uses the site, and do everything that he was the most clear and comfortable. Content and images must involve everyone, but first of all – representatives of a specific target audience.

All the attention to the content

A good way to emphasize the importance of communication – to put it right in the middle of the page and add a striking image or homogeneous background. This method is ideal for those occasions when you want to focus on the short statement.

Blocks content

If the statement is not one thing, it makes sense to divide the page into several large blocks – is still relevant. The blocks must not be such as to Pintereste and wide – on the entire screen. Researches would like to draw your attention to the fact that each unit can be decorated in its own style. This gives designers greater freedom – you can not worry about the visual hierarchy.

Bad news

Very long sites

The popularity of mobile interfaces and Facebook led to the fact that all started to make a long scrolling page. The idea itself is not bad, especially if you know when to stop. Now we regret that some sites are too long. The most common errors of their creators is infinite scrolling, love heavy animation effects and inability to structure content.

Securely hidden menu

You could not help but notice that the familiar menu navigation was reduced to a single icon, which opens when you click. On the screens of mobile devices, where little space is important and every pixel, it is really convenient, but on the ordinary – not always. Often, people do not see this icon, and does not understand how he go from one section to another. The golden rule of design says – avoid unnecessary complications. That is, do not hide the menu and do not force the user to search for it.

Too many layers

The text over the picture, and the picture – over the motley heterogeneous background. Do you think anybody wants to understand this chaos? Let’s agree to comply with the order. It’s easy to get started, you can get rid of superfluous elements arranged in two or three layers.

Unnecessary entry

Modern sites have a serious drawback – they are very “heavy”. Sometimes, instead of reducing the amount of content and thereby increase the speed of loading, their owners camouflage problem by adding an introductory welcome page. While the user is viewing the intro, site-heavyweight quietly loaded. What is the result? As a result, you do not make friends with the visitor, but the opposite – pushes him away, creating an additional obstacle. Output – safely remove all unnecessary.

Some “horror”
Enumerating applications

It’s great that the site you can add any third-party application, but there are limits. Please do not get carried away. Understand that these applications work on different people. Each of them – his own style, which is often not identical with the style of your site. Excessive application will not lead to anything good, honestly. The advice – pick one or two of the most necessary, and to confine them.

Source: WIX

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