Author Archives: Białczyk Kuba

Should you care about your calendar’s privacy?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

People use calendar apps on daily bases to organize their time. In organizations, we utilize calendars like Google Calendar to setting up events, syncing with coworkers, etc. Privately, we use calendars to organize our private time and private events from meeting with friends to shopping at Biedronka. Did you ever wonder if events you put into your calendar and share with others’ calendars are really private?

According to the Forbes article, Google Calendar had a potential privacy issue in 2017: when you wanted to share your calendar with others with the use of a calendar link, the URL to your calendar was indexed in Google Search which meant that anyone could access data from your schedule. It was not only a problem for individuals that someone could access their private calendars but also for organizations – that privacy issue could be a reason for leaks of company’s confidential data like meetings, events, zoom links, files to documents, etc. Another privacy concern related to calendar apps is that through creating events and shared meetings we give data about our life events and people we meet to companies like Google which are considered not to be the best firm in terms of privacy. Also, rumors from the internet state that companies may be using calendar data for targetting.

More and more companies that offer encrypted solutions enter the market to address these problems. One of the largest players is ProtonMail which recently rebranded to Proton and offers encrypted email services, calendars, cloud drives, etc. According to Proton’s blog about calendar privacy: “A calendar is more than just a tool. It’s a record of the moments that make up your life.” which indicates that our calendars should be private by design, and no one should even try to take advantage on that. Proton’s CEO Andy Yen in an interview with Wired states that Proton’s ultimate policy is to provide users with useful tools with collecting as little data as possible. Data from ProtonMail and ProtonCalendar are fully encrypted and protected from data leaks, and data-exploiting by the cloud provider or government requesting information on users.

I believe that in the era of raising awareness and the importance of data privacy, companies like Proton have huge opportunities to stand out and even compete with tech giants like Google or Apple. The question is, whether users and companies are ready to abandon the big providers and their perfect solutions and switch to smaller data privacy-oriented entities?


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Will AI replace programmers?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“AI assistants are already here, so work that before required 10 devs will require 9, then 8, and so on…” – is the answer of one of the Redditors at r/artificial

Indeed, there are AI models developed by OpenAI and DeepMind that are capable of coding in many languages. However, many would argue that the job of programmers is too complex and too versatile to let machines automate all of the tasks within software development. However, AI already takes part in software development in a form of automatic code writing assistants, automatic bug fixing, or project delivery estimation. Thanks to the gigantic amount of code available online via platforms like GitHub, researchers can develop Deep Learning models for writing code. Such AI solutions generate code based on the programming task description provided by a user:

  1. OpenAI Codex – A general-purpose programming model with natural language understanding which makes it capable of writing code based on problem description as well as explaining code in natural language. It’s proficient in more than a dozen programming languages, Codex can interpret simple commands in natural language and execute them on the user’s behalf.
  2. DeepMind AlphaCode – DL model trained on over 700 gigabytes of code from GitHub repositories and tuned by creators for understanding problem statements, test cases, and submissions – correct and incorrect – from coding contests. When AlhpaCode is provided with a programming challenge, it generates thousands of possible solutions and filters the most efficiently working ones. When tested while Google’s coding contest, it achieved better results than 46% of participants.

Taking this into the account, I believe that solutions like the two above are just the beginning of AI in programming and will evolve into systems capable of creating end-to-end code for users. It will drastically influence the labor market of programmers and their everyday tasks. Researchers and practitioners claim that the work of programmers does not only consists of writing code, but also understanding the needs of stakeholders and adjusting code to them, working iteratively, etc. — that’s why AI will not completely replace programmers, but boost their effectiveness and let focus on most “human” aspects of programming.

In my opinion, the development of such solutions will slowly decrease the need for programmers in companies while most of the repetitive code tasks will be automated. However, creativity and innovativeness will be even more valued in programmers and the ones able to prove these two traits will be even more demanded.








A single artwork created by 6 million artists!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The internet allowed us to cooperate in many various tasks – from writing documents and coding to… creating masterpieces! Recently, on April Fools’ day, Reddit opened the so-called “r/place” which simply was a huge empty white canvas of size 2000 x 2000 pixels that could be edited by every user. For four days, every Redditor could change the color (32 colors were available) of a single-pixel every 5 minutes – this rule forced people to collaborate to have an impact on the canvas.

During the first two days, around 72 million pixels were placed by more than 6 million users! On average, 2.5 million pixels were changed every hour! Just have a look at this video showing the progress in creating the r/place canvas of 2022:

Since a single pixel meant nothing, just after the event started, large communities of people started working together on planning their contribution to the canvas. Many Redditors connected via other subreddits to coordinate in creating pixel arts. However, other platforms like Discord and Twitch played significant roles – streamers had specifically big impact since their communities are usually active while watching streams. Some of these collaborations resulted in really outstanding pixel arts — check out these examples (there are so many of them that I couldn’t choose which ones are my fav):

A social experiment

It is important to mention, that this was the second edition of r/place after the first one in 2017. Reddit is one of the biggest information exchange platforms with 174 million registered users (2020). Events like “r/place” are social experiments that show us how people can collaborate in creating something creative. This one proved again how online communities of people who usually don’t know each other can collaborate even without talking to each other. It also reveals that handling such an experiment can be difficult from the technical standpoint — Reddit needed to take care of many issues including frontend, backend, handling millions of requests every hour, bots, and many more. After the event finished, the data of every single pixel were shared by Reddit and now, everyone can dig through the history o every piece of the artwork!

Do you think that this kind of experiments are useful in exploring the nature of online communities? May collaboration in creating pixel arts translate into the real world problems?


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Should Elon Musk create a new social media platform?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This guy has already influenced the prices of stocks and crypto by just using Twitter. An example is when Elon Musk tweeted in November 2021 to ask his followers whether he should sell his 10% of Tesla stock or not — this made Tesla’s stock fall. Now, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission agreement, Musk’s tweets about Tesla will remain a valid subject for a government investigation. Also, Tesla will need to pay $40 million to investors who lost money due to his posts.

Taking that into account, Elon claims that Twitter is doing a bad job in promoting freedom of speech, which is one of the core ideas behind democracy. He tweeted about that in March, and finally asked his audience whether a new SM platform is needed, and finally stated that he is “giving a serious thought” to building a social media platform with an open-source algorithm, with minimized misinformation and propaganda and freedom of speech as a priority.

Well, there are already platforms like Rumble, Parler, and Gettr that want to discourage people from Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. Even Donald Trump has opened his SM platform called “Truth Social”. But a new social media focused on fighting propaganda, on which everyone could share their opinion… Sounds utopic, right? One can easily say that they are going to create a platform for freedom of speech, but it might be extremely difficult to assure this and prevent it to be a base of malicious content. Also, platforms like this are considered to struggle with attracting new users, investors, and advertisers because of having users having extreme or highly politicized views.

On one hand, social media should be a place for sharing any kind of ideas and opinions freely. On the other hand, Elon’s Twitter activity often influences stuff from outside of Twitter (e.g., stocks or crypto). The effect of social media on the financial market and politics is serious and still not fully explored, so SM platforms reduce the risk of unknown influence by censoring the content of people like Elon or Trump.

The question remains unanswered — Should governments and platform owners limit content having effect on economics and politics, or should ideas and views be always accepted no matter what their influence is?


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Collaborative community joins the race for the best AI

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Chatbots, online translators, text generators, and grammar checkers – these are a few of many modern applications of artificial intelligence language models. The most popular and advanced models like GPT-3 or BERT are claimed to “understand” human language. Unfortunately, these solutions are not open to the public. Why? Because mainly big corporations like Google, Microsoft or Huawei can afford to access enormous computing resources and have researchers to develop them.

?According to the official paper of GPT-3, it would take 355 years to train this AI model on a computer equipped with one of the most advanced graphics cards.

Open-source solution

To tackle the problem of the centralization of hyper-advanced AI models, hundreds of researchers from all around the world have gathered to bring an open-source solution to the public. Independent research and industrial volunteers formed a collaborative project called BigScience and created an enormous language AI which will complete its training in 4 months – anyone can track the progress in model training here: click!. The model is predicted to be excellent in performing various language-related tasks in 46 languages ?.

Implications of open-source

Currently, most advanced AI owned by hi-tech companies can be accessed by individuals, but one who wants to use them either needs to match specific conditions or pay for the access. One of the reasons is that the organizations that own AI solutions like GPT-3 still don’t know all of the potential misuses that could harm people and thus, want to control the purposes their solutions are used for. However, the new AI model created by BigScience collaborative community is most probably going to be open to anyone. It means that its use-cases will not be controlled.

Governments should join the collaboration

Hyper-advanced AI models can solve many problems and bring enormous value to society. In my opinion, collaborative projects like BigScience show that sooner or later, hyper-advanced AI solutions will be available to anyone. That’s the reason why I believe that governments should look into the problem of harmful applications of AI and establish a law to prevent such cases. Hopefully, that would encourage at least some hi-tech corporations to share their resources to help in democratizing advanced AI safely!


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Uploading knowledge to a brain??

Reading Time: 2 minutesHave you seen “The Matrix” by Wachowski brothers (now sisters)? Probably yes, this movie revolutionized the industry of sci-fi. In their film, The Wachowskis put a lot of futuristic concepts, some of which has already come true. In one of the scenes, when the main protagonist Neo has already escaped from The Matrix, he learns kung-fu within seconds by simply uploading skills to his brain. Well, it seems like pure science fiction. However, recently scientists from California developed technology which does the same thing but on a much smaller scale.

Researchers from HRL Laboratories claims that they have discovered the way to upload knowledge into a brain. Their method is based on neuroscience. According to the research, during learning, physical changes take place inside the brain. Those changes happen in a small region of a brain which is responsible for such functions like speech and memory. Thanks to special electrode-embedded head caps, this part of the brain is stimulated, which enables to acquire knowledge much faster.

It is a little bit shocking because it is even difficult to imagine that you don’t know something and then after a short time you suddenly have the knowledge in your brain. Well, it doesn’t work exactly as shown in The Matrix, but maybe one day it will…

The study conducted by HRL contained examining experienced aeroplane pilot brane and than stimulate the brain of rookies. As an outcome, those who received brain stimulation improved their piloting abilities and learnt the task 33% faster than the placebo group.

Will it be ever possible to upload things into brains? Probably new technologies will one day enable us to do it. There is no doubt that such possibilities are great, but what if someone would use such a brain stimulation tech for an evil purpose? What if such tech would become a tool for massive brainwash and political objectives? How would schools look like if we could learn everything instantly, would children go to schools and take part in sessions of uploading knowledge to their brain? Such a scenario looks pretty frightening for me… Should we take the red pill and make sci-fi come true?



Scientists Discover Matrix-Like Way to ‘Upload Knowledge to Your Brain’



Can You Solve a Rubik’s Cube one-handed?

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe robot hand recently trained by OpenAI team can! Solving Rubik’s Cube with one hand is quite a difficult task for most humans. One who wants to do that first has to learn specific moves, algorithms, and how to manipulate a cube with one hand.

OpenAI is a non-profit organisation co-founded by Elon Musk, which investigates artificial intelligence regarding various aspects of life. They decided to construct a robotic hand which would be able to do complex activities and adjust to numerous situations.

The main goal of the projects was making the robot hand learn (by itself) how to manipulate Rubik’s Cube in various conditions. To explain how difficult the task was, researchers said: “Humans have evolved to be able to operate and manipulate our hands, […] and the robot has to learn all of this from scratch”. OpenAI team trained a pair of neural networks using a reinforcement learning method, which is pretty similar to the way that humans learn. The purpose wasn’t to create a massive algorithm and apply it to a real-world robotic hand but to create an environment in which the device and its software can learn by trial and error. 

The researchers met several serious obstacles. For instance, to train neural networks, they had to develop a virtual environment to carry on simulations. To prepare the hand for solving the puzzle in various conditions, they were changing some properties of simulation, such as friction, mass or size of the cube, every time it was successful. Even though the hardware they used wasn’t new, OpenAI developed an innovative approach to general-purpose robots. They let the robotic hand learn by itself in thousands of simulations and then hoped that it could do the same in the real world. It actually worked out, because the robotic hand solves the puzzle 20% of the time when the maximum scramble of the cube is applied and 60% for simpler scrambles. It seems like not a lot, but in reality, it is a great achievement.

Image tweeted by Gary Marcus

Article about the whole project published on opened a huge debate in the AI community. Although the research has many supporters, it sparked some controversy. For instance, Gary Marcus, a cognitive scientist, criticised OpenAI’s project on twitter. He claimes that the post on the OpenAI’s blog is misleading and he is pretty right. Not only does he criticise low rate of successes, but also that the hand isn’t compatible with other objects. He claims that the first word of the project’s title “Solving Rubik’s cube with robot hand” should be “Manipulating”, because the robot hand did not figure out how to solve the puzzle, but only how to manipulate the object. However, there is no doubt that this project definitely plays a role in the development of artificial intelligence. How cool would it be, if general-purpose robots could not only solve Rubik’s cubes but also chop vegetables or even cook a meal?


The sound of silence

Reading Time: 3 minutesCan You imagine cities without a constant buzz of traffic? Streets without the sound of combustion engines? Having a walk through a city centre would be as pleasant as strolling in a park or a forest. It may be possible by switching to electric cars. A lot of car manufacturers are improving their electric and hybrid models. Also, we can see more and more of them on the streets (the environment enjoys that fact). Nevertheless, there is one significant issue connected to reducing the sound of traffic – safety. According to the research of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of USA, hybrid engine cars were 37% more likely than those with combustion engines to involve in a pedestrian accident. Also, they caused 57% more accidents involving bicycles. Governments of many countries decided that the safety of pedestrians is more important than silence. Think of the blind, such people perceive surrounding mainly by hearing as well as people walking in the streets with eyes in their smartphones.

In July 2018 European Union introduced a new law, which forces car manufacturers to attach Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) to their electric models. Automobiles, which are reversing or travelling with a speed lower than 30 km/h, have to emit sound. Yeah, governments around the world introduced such a rule, but they had no idea what kind of sound should it be. They rely on manufacturers invention. Of course, there are some restrictions, it cannot imitate the noise of the wind, water and animals. It is not the first time when people have to invent some artificial sound because of the development of technology. For example, locking smartphone and finalising the transaction with a financial app. Sound of silent engines is a more complex problem. In such a case engineers have to take to an account both user experience and safety.

For car manufacturers, it is a difficult case. For instance, Jaguar tried to implement a sound of the UFO, but the results weren’t promising. Tesla introduced a sound of farting (hehe). Other engineers take to a consideration a variety of factors, such as culture or drivers attitude. Nissan hired world-famous composers to create the perfect noise of a silent engine. The team was working on this project for almost half a year trying to develop sound which would be alerting, natural and not interrupting.



Maybe the sound of electric cars should be completely personalised and dependant to car owners? Well, for some people the sound of the vehicle is a significant factor. Some of the engineers think that it should represent a driver’s current mood. In such a case, it would be easier to recognise if one can behave aggressively on a road.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that electric or hybrid cars should emit some sound to let others know that they are approaching. Right now it is needed, so there will be no silent city centres. Maybe in the future artificial intelligence will be able to predict every situation on a road, so the sound would not be required anymore. However, there is one more important thing regarding electric vehicles – ecology. What is the sense of driving such cars if in many countries (e.g. Poland) electric engines are powered by burning fossil fuels in energy plants?






Minecraft teaches future programmers

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is not a secret that the IT industry is expanding very quickly. It causes a constant growth of demand for programmers. According to the speculations of the European Committee, EU labour market will not meet this demand until 2030. Because of the money earned by beginner programmists, more and more people older than 30 decide to change their occupancy to “junior programmist”. But it still isn’t enough. The solution is to put kids in the world of programming very early, so when they grow up, part of them will fill the shortage on the labour market.

Microsoft came up with an idea to make young people interested in coding. They developed a learning platform which is Minecraft: Education Edition. Of course, computer science is not the only subject, which can be taught via Minecraft EDU. The platform also contains contents for mathematics, art, science etc. The software is not only dedicated to schools, but also for private educators. Many private institutions have made the use of Minecraft education, creating courses for groups of children.

According to Linkedin data, such skills as mobile development or design of user interface will be in high demand in the coming years. Also, there is no doubt that thanks to programming young children can learn a set of other skills such as problem-solving. What is more teaching computer science in schools is recommended, because it allows students to gain information about the continuously developing technology. However not every child finds programming interesting, probably instead of learning it, they would rather… play some computer game. Here comes MINECRAFT: EE, which combines both, fun and learning. Creators of the content of the lessons of PYTHON developed a set of various tasks, which both make children engaged in it and doesn’t make them bored.

Microsoft and team up to bring ‘Minecraft’ to Hour of Code (PRNewsFoto/Microsoft Corp.)

The problems, which children need to solve are based on in-game issues. For example, they have to create a script, which will display the number of steps every 10 seconds or they have to build a program, which will build a house in Minecraft on its own. Of course, there are also more complex tasks related to some story: one of them shows a real-world use of AI on an example of predicting a chance of fire.

To conclude, thanks to Minecraft, young learners have an opportunity to gain various practical skills, such as analytical thinking, problem-solving, basics of coding, intermediate programming (AI and python) and understanding the technology. However, such an idea has its dark side. Programming is going to be the next subject in students’ schedule, while they already have plenty of them. Is it appropriate to make young students have more obligations?  Maybe we should abandon some other subjects to avoid making youngsters overworked?









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Is Minecraft going to revolutionise education?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania minecraft classroom

Remind Yourself about lessons in Your primary or secondary school. Some of them were presumably boring and even if they took place only once a week, You did not want to participate in them at all. Such a phenomenon occurs because how the information is delivered, for instance, boring lectures, during which no one except a teacher is permitted to say anything. Nowadays it became very difficult to make young students interested in a subject with traditional teaching methods. That’s why more and more apps and educational platforms are being developed to help teachers to make their lessons impressing.

Following the trend of a growing number of interactive tools, which help to teach, Microsoft decided to get into the market introducing “Minecraft: Education Edition”. Most of today’s children know what Minecraft is and probably have played it. For those, who don’t know it, Minecraft is a computer game, with infinite possibilities to discover the world by building things and completing achievements. More and more teachers around the world start using this method.  All of them could easily introduce this approach on their lessons because there are special guides and scenarios of classes on the Internet and also everyone can consult a professional mentor, who will help to implement Minecraft Edu in real life.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania minecraft education

“It is better to build it and understand it than write it on paper and understand it”

Some people would probably doubt if Minecraft is appropriate for every school subject, but the idea is admired by teachers of various subjects, from all around the world. On the website of Minecraft: Education Edition there are special materials for teachers uploaded. Subject kits for Language Arts, Science, History and Culture, Computer Science, Math, Art and Design can be found there.

It has been proven that children, whose teacher implemented Minecraft Edu, tend to learn more efficient, but on the other hand, such way of learning cannot be introduced in every case. The first and main reason is that in some countries, schools have not enough money to provide their students with such facilities as computer labs and they cannot require children to have their laptops. Secondly, would old teachers, who have been teaching traditionally for all of their lives introduce such an innovative method? Probably most of them would not do that. Finally, teachers and parents are not always able to monitor how much time do children spend in front of the screen, so if this was neglected, young students could be exposed to “screen addiction”.






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